Chiaki Olivia Martin



5 years, 6 months ago


  • Chiaki Martin

  • Talent Lil Ultimate Veterinarian
  • pronouns They/he
  • age 11
  • height 3'6"
  • playlist

Hyperactive • Friendly • Adventurous

Chiaki wants to be everyone’s friend! They consider themselves a professional at convincing other people to hang around and play for a while, and know enough animal facts to keep new friends around for a while to play.

Surprisingly self sufficient, it's not uncommon to run into them online on an evening they've hopped onto their dads computer while they wait for him to get home.
Aside from helping their dad at his work, Chiaki spends much of their free time hanging out at local parks and malls, riding around the trains and exploring nature with a big clunky camera and plastic tub for their bug friends.

height 3'6"

build G4

pronouns They/he

orientation n/a

dob 5th of May

sign Taurus

ethnicity Canadian/Japanese

occupation n/a


Chiaki wears faded blue overalls with are cuffed above their knees over a pale blue sweater. The sweater has a small cat face embroidered in the center.
Under their overalls Chiaki wears a pair of blain cycle shorts, and they keep cozy with their token slate blue hoodie! Once their dads, the hoodie has been modified to included big rabbit ears sewn onto each side of the hood.

Knee high black cat socks under dark blue slip on Vans finalise their day to day clothes, however Chiaki is often seen with their white backpack; which has a small rabbit face on and, if opened, can be seen to contain everything they need for going out on adventures- a small first aid kit, candy, their camera, a bug box and a plushie or two.

They have freckles and heterochromatic eyes; their left being tawny and brown and the right a soft green. On the front of their overalls is a metal pin badge with a symbol similar to that of a Celtic acorn; and on their hoodie is a symbol showing a crescent moon in a circle, both being intercepted with an arrow.








Public Backstory


Talent Acquisition

When he was younger, Caleb Martin was the Ultimate Veterinarian. As he's remained in the field, and Chiaki has begun following on from him this far, they recieved the title Lil Ultimate Veterinarian by default. It's set to be evaluated just after their 13th birthday.


  • Speaks English, Japanese, and limited French.
  • Has 5 cats, 2 ferrets, and 2 beetles!
  • The bandaid on their nose covers a small scar.
  • Came out as nonbinary when they were 10.


  • Animals
  • Drawing
  • Anything cute
  • Making friends


  • Giraffes >:(
  • Loud noises
  • Cinnamon

Toshi Martin

[ Father ] Their dad!

Caleb (Toshi) Martin moved to Japan from Canada when he was a young adult, and has spent many years hardly scraping by as he moved from city to city, and didn't know he has a child until one of his ex girlfriends convinced him to meet up with her through Facebook. Though they're no longer together, he's done his best to raise Chiaki alone.

Ji-hyo Merryweather

[ Online Friend ] The ultimate Children's Counsellor.

Chiaki met Ji-hyo on a forum live chat several years ago, and he was immediately worried about what such a young child was doing online unsupervised. Though they live far apart, Ji-hyo is now acquainted with Chiaki's father as well, and occasionally sends him money to support Chiaki's education.

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