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of course !!

Just send the payment [here] and I'll send him over via DMs

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Hi~! $15 for 4?
(curse your handsome mens and making me break being good!  )

uwaaah yes you can!!

feel free to send the payment via [here] and I'll send him over via DMs!


Love 2 ;v; Long haired guys 🤌

Oh nu. Rip your dying tablet D: I hope they all get sold then! As always, your mens are handsome af😩

Though if no one wants #4 after awhile, would love offer art again~

Best of luck getting new tablet soon 0v0)/

$30 for #2?

uwaaah i already accepted #2 with someone else im so sorry   I can let you know if the offer doesnt fall through with the other gentleman

Ah damn I missed that. Thanks though! I’ll keep an eye out. 

Would you take art for 6 👁️👄👁️

if theyre still open tomorrow then yes   

Hi there! If you're still interested in 6, I'm down for the art! I can hold him if you'd like (:

Yea totally!

Gotcha!! I'll hold him now then (:

Yo ho! Milkman! It is I! Epifanio! And dare I say that you came up with many wonderful designs once again! Ahahaha! Now, it is okay by your will to take the #1 for $17?

uwaaah im so glad you like them still!

And of course you can!!!

As usual send the payment [here] and Ill send it via DMs <3

Hey hey! Massive apology for taking so long! Things have got wild on my side, ehehe! But I have send ya the payment!

Totally good!! Lemme send him over!

would $15 for 5 be ok?

Yes thats totally fine!

Send the payment [here] and I'll send him over via DMs (:


number 2 please $15 

WOAH thank you!

Feel free to send it [Here]

and I'll send him over via DMs <3

done :)