


23 days, 15 hours ago


age: 29


race/species: Monstrum

sexuality: straight

residence: TBN

personality: headstrong, ready for anything type guy. Axel is the most rebellious of the family, and the least restricted, yet he still wants to help whenever he can. He finds a special kind of thrill is being victorious, whether it being in friendly competitions or hand-to-hand combat. yet as fast as his pride can rise, it can fall apart pretty easily, and he is quite petty. He doesnt like to get ahead of himself, and will try everything in his power not to be like a stereotypical brute.

dislikes: accepting defeat. He dislikes saying sorry because it makes him feel more guilty than he already does (no matter the context). Asmr.

likes: the gym, going to the bar at midnight, karaoke, salty foods.

(lack of) abilities/skills: he is an exceptionally strong and resilient fighter, but focuses on brute-forcing his way and wrestling his opponents, making him slow to react  and less flexible. The only flexible part of him is his long tail, which has a detachable stinger at the end of it

Description: while being pretty buff, he doesn't have very defined muscles, and has a softer body. He prefers to have his hair slicked back, as it bothers him when it falls on his face. Under his clothes he has a bunch of small cuts.

clothes: he mostly wears black clothes with spikes and leather boots because they look cool. Would possibly like punk.


Depth— his brother, axel thinks he’s just a clueless softie the majority of the time, and tries to encourage him to become stronger by teaching him a thing or two about fighting and how to survive in the world. He is pretty protective over him, and knows he could (suprisingly) do no wrong in their strange family.

Mareline(not mine)— the inlaw, depths girlfriend. He doesnt know much about her, but accepts he as long as depth is happy, and she doesn't jeopardize anything by bringing trouble. At first he was skeptical of her, and even felt a little disappointed when depth didnt seek his approval on her.

Kira(not mine)— In denial that he got beat by her in a fight, and hates a single mention about it. He finds her just as attractive as she is irritating, but out of the need to be petty and the fact she was supposed to kill him, he tries to push down anything positive he might feel about her. Though, those walls may be coming down sooner than enough.