Gumilite Deity- Celeste



25 days, 3 hours ago


The Deity and Their Realm

Celeste reigns over a lush garden, where flowers bloom under her watchful gaze, the main flowers being roses, her sacred symbol. Her realm is a place of serene beauty but also of sharp thorns. She embodies the duality of creation and destruction, nurturing life with one hand while wielding the power to take it with the other. Celeste enjoys the beauty of her domain, but she often plays her strings in mortals life if she's in the mood, but also prefers to watch things from afar. Her presence is one of quiet elegance, but her respect must be earned; to disrespect her or her symbols is to invite her wrath, which can be as unforgiving as it is magnificent.

Realm of Celeste: “The Garden of Eternal Serenity”

Celeste’s realm is a breathtaking garden and vast forest that epitomizes both tranquility and divine beauty. It is an expansive, ever-blooming garden where flora and fauna exist in perfect harmony. The realm is filled with vibrant roses in every color imaginable, their petals shimmering with a soft, otherworldly glow. The air is perpetually filled with the sweet scent of blossoms and a gentle, melodious hum. The realm is the home planet of the Gumilites, from where all Gumilites originated. It is also called home by many other species such as the Gumigons, Gumifae, and the Kaimi.


  • Rose Gardens- Immense fields of roses, each with magical properties. Some roses grant wisdom or healing, while others might induce dreams or visions.
  • Crystal Streams- Clear, sparkling streams weave through the garden, their waters imbued with Celeste’s magic. These streams are said to have restorative properties.
  • Floating Islands- Beautiful floating islands with lush vegetation that hover in the sky, some connected by delicate, glowing bridges. These islands offer serene views of the cosmic expanse.
  • Ethereal Music- A soft, harmonious hum plays in the background, created by the movement of magical wind through the trees and flowers.
  • Vast Oceans- The oceans on the planet look like they are filled with stars. With a glow at the bottom that can be seen during the day. During the night the water glows a lovely blue due to bioluminescent plankton in the water. It is the home of the Gumigons.
  • Cave Systems- Deep cavernous caves filled with glowing crystals that light it up. The cave system follows deep underground to the core of the planet and can only be navigated by the Kaimi.
  • Atmosphere- The realm exudes a sense of peace and grace, but there is an underlying intensity. The beauty of the roses is matched by the sharp thorns that remind visitors of the dual nature of life. Visitors are often struck by the contrast between the garden’s serene beauty and the potential for divine retribution if disrespected.

Followers of Celeste: “The Luminary Circle”

The Luminary Circle is a faction dedicated to honoring Celeste's role as the creator and nurturer of life.

Faction Characteristics:

  • Leadership- Led by the Grand Florist, an esteemed figure who embodies Celeste’s grace and authority. Often adorned in red and white robes, that are always pristine.
  • Sacred Symbols- Followers often bear symbols of roses and intricate floral designs, signifying their connection to Celeste and her garden.
  • Attire- Their garments are adorned with patterns of roses and floral motifs. They favor elegant, flowing robes that reflect the serene and graceful nature of their deity.
  • Practices- They engage in rituals that celebrate the cycles of life and nature. These include the “Flower Festivals”, meditative practices in lush gardens, and monthly ceremonies that honor the balance between creation and destruction.
  • Beliefs- They believe in the dual nature of existence, beauty and pain, creation and destruction. Their teachings emphasize the importance of respect for life and the natural world. Internal politics revolve around maintaining harmony within nature. Conflicts can arise between those who emphasize beauty versus those who focus on the harsh realities of life.


  • Guardians of Nature: They protect sacred natural sites and maintain the beauty and balance of their surroundings.
  • Scholars and Artists: They study and create works inspired by the natural world, celebrating its beauty through art, literature, song, and dance.

Cultural Influence:

  • Festivals and Rituals:
    • Flower Festival: Festivals where Gumilites celebrate the beauty of nature, often involving the planting of roses and floral decorations. Face paint is often used by those partaking in the festivities. Which is then followed by harmonious chanting and singing and dancing around in circles. Celeste’s worshippers present offerings of roses and perform acts of kindness and beauty during this time. It is considered a taboo not too.
    • Monthly Blossom Ceremony: New born Gumilites take and carry gifts of newly blossomed roses to Celetes Gate, on top a high mountain that centers the planet. It is practice done to show the Gumilites gratitude for their life given to them by Celeste. The new born Gumilites are often accompanied by family members to the gates.

Celeste drawn by MissFireWolf

Format made by Sollescent

Gumilites are closed species ( Gumilites )