
12 days, 17 hours ago


Jacqueline Davis

--> Profile

Jacqueline, often known as Jack, is a woman with a guarded shrouded pass. No one in town knows much about her, only her little sister Ellie knows Jack well. She’s a serious woman that doesn’t take breaks when she needs it– Running her saloon well into the late night. Jack makes deals with outlaws and criminals to keep trouble out of her town, and sells guns or other weapons as well. She’s hard working, always on guard, and protecting her sister. You don’t want to mess with her, not unless you want gangs of outlaws hunting you down.

With the disappearings and strange deaths in their small town, Jack is often alert for danger to keep her sister safe. She's on edge, untrusting, and looking for answers. She worries of traveling to a new town... Unsure how safe will that be.


--> Biography




Tidying the bar
Watching the sunrise
Playing cards with Ellie


Reckless drunks
The church's priest
Unruly outlaws


--> Other Notes of Interest

Positive Traits: Jack is often a caretaker. Whether she’s helping a friend or some random person off the street, Jack spends a lot of time helping others. She often sends extra food to the orphans, helps old man Timothy with his chores sometimes, and will let wayward souls sleep in her inn for free if they need help. Do not take her stern expression and blunt words to heart, she genuinely cares for others where some would see it as a lost cause. Maybe it’s because she’s an older sister, but Jack cannot turn down someone in need.

Jack remembers small details. Sometimes it’s little things, a customer's favorite drink, someone’s food allergy, or a ridiculous joke– She pays attention to the things that don’t seem to matter, but it does to someone else. She remembers Old Timothy’s favorite snack, keeps it up in a cupboard for him, she remembers a few orphans’ birthdays so she can bring gifts, and she even knows the traditions the small town used to have. She pays attention to the little things so she can make others comfortable, happy, with her. She’s observant, and careful.

Negative Traits: Jack doesn’t know when to take breaks. She spends a lot of time working, counting money, working hard, teaching Ellie, remembering and clocking information away. She does not relax often, has a hard time taking breaks. She’s constantly focused on a goal, a mission, to do for the day or week. Jack only has time to relax when it’s just her and Ellie around the bar, even then she’ll get fidgety if she can’t put her mind to something.

Jack is very untrusting towards strangers. Sure, she’ll help those in need, but to become her friend is hard to earn. Maybe she’s afraid of letting others get close to her, or worried for her sister’s safety, Jack always keeps everyone at an arm's reach. She only trusts Ellie and there are things she can’t tell her due to her young age, so Jack often feels alone sometimes. Maybe that’ll change one day…

Odd observations: Jack often sees things others can’t. She can’t explain it, but sometimes she’ll see figures in the dead of night in town. Odd shadow things in the corner of her bedroom. Whispers and voices in her ears when she pays attention. It’s stronger when she’s at a graveyard, the voices are louder and sometimes she can see people walking just outside of her field of vision. Is it ghosts? Demons? Monsters? Jack isn’t sure, and she doesn’t want to find out.











Don't Ask


26 years


UnNamed Town




Chaotic neutral





Additional Portrait

See Attached File

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