


5 years, 10 months ago


Heida at first was a very meek mage, her magical talent was really well developed but she was always bothered by the fact that she had zero physical abilities. most of her companions in the Magic Institute would simply ignore the frail trait of the mages, after all, they were the brains and they expected others to be their brawl and Heida used to think like that too but everything doesn't always go smoothly, sometimes the fighters can't help the mage, specially when they get ambushed, or you end up being separated from the main group but worse of all, being physically frail means your life and the life of your teammates are in danger! Sometimes you don't have time to cast a spell and it may cost the life of a dear friend depending on the situation.

Because of all those facts Heida knew she needed more than simply brains, she couldn't feel that her magic was enough anymore, but she also couldn't find a way to get stronger, she was not built that way, she was small and even a very clumsy, so she decided to search for the answer the only way she could! She would research among the ancient tomes for a spell to make her stronger! Just as strong as her magic was! It took a long time, but she found what she wanted, Heida casted the spell on herself and was amazed by the results, she wasn't as strong as she was smart, but still she got what she wanted! At least she could wear a bit of armor and raise her sword against the enemy, she grew up from being protected, now she could fend for herself if needed. But the spell itself is only a temporary fix and is dependent on her mana (it drains quite a bit of mana to keep the spell in constant effect).

Heida had become a really great addition to any team, she still can't fight while chanting a spell but she had trained and studied a lot to be able to enchant her sword with her magic without the need to stop and conjure the elements.

Also, Heida would always frown when someone close to her says somethings are impossible or too hard, because she believes that if you have the will power, you can find the answers for anything on this world.