


5 years, 5 months ago


Bao is one of the oldest and most powerful spirits known to Cape Moor.  The creatures of Cape Moor hold this little spirit in great regard, so much so that they consider Bao a minor god or deity

To the creatures of Cape Moor Bao is a reclusive and mysterious spirit known to sail the seas in an oversized hat.  Many theorize that Bao can control the tides, and uses the tide to travel across the world.  Others believe that Bao creates stars and does so by traveling to the middle of the ocean and throwing them into the sky.  Nobody knows the truth, perhaps not even Bao

Just a timid lil spirit drawn to traveling for reasons they can't yet comprehend, and doesn't understand that the land and its creatures have a tendency to change while they're gone.  Their hat gets bigger the closer they get to water, so sometimes Bao can be seen wearing the hat and other times it's strapped to their back like a backpack!  The flowers on the hat are also constantly changing to reflect the area Bao is in