


5 years, 5 months ago


Kodran "Koli" Hroksson


Koli appears cold and collected. Everyone thinks he knows what's he's doing, which gives him an air of intimidating authority. In reality, Koli is actually just a ball of carefully channeled frustration and anger, with very good survival instincts. He usually remains fairly calm during tense situations, but can get pretty aggressive under pressure.

He is analytical to people and the world around him, able to plan on the fly and create strategies beforehand. He's usually very quiet, only speaking when it's needed. It's rare to see him visbly angry or upset. One of those rare times is when someone he's not comfortable with tries to touch him, which will always cause him to lash out.



Early to Mid 20s


Masculine - Trans, Intersex (he / him)


Asexual, Biromantic

Star Sign



Chief Dragon Hunter



  • Fights with a sword that can be wielded one-handed or two, and sometimes uses a shield. Also has an extra dagger in his boot, just in case.
  • Incredibly knowledgeable about dragon behavior. He uses his skills to calm and trap most of his quarries, and rarely — if ever — uses violence against dragons.
  • Has a really nice singing voice, and often sings to other dragons to help them calm down
  • Hates the heat.
  • Koli has a decent amount of freedom thanks to his old man managing the day-to-day, non-hunting related tasks, so Koli often ventures out with Topaz for weeks at a time.
  • Koli feels most comfortable around dragons. The captive dragons, and Topaz, make his life around other humans tolerable.
  • Tends to get into really heated fights with his father, since the two regularly have very different ideas on how to manage a crew. Things often get thrown.


Act I

Born and raised with dragon hunters, it's all he's ever known. His father brought him up to be the most ruthless, tough-as-steel Dragon Hunter he could possibly be.

Act II

Koli found Topaz's egg on the shoreline of a beach the crew had raided eariler that day, and he managed to sneak the egg onto the ship. It hatched shortly after, much to Koli's horror and amazement.

When found out, his father ordered him to either put it with the other dragons, or kill it.

Koli stood up to him, demanding that he keep the dragon as his own. He could train it to hunt other dragons, and he could use it to fool actual dragon riders. His father refused, at first, but Koli never relented.

[ Conflict is sort-of-but-not resolved by Koli stubbornly fighting off anyone who would try and hurt Topaz, fending them off while training his dragon. Eventually, the crew can do nothing to stop him + Topaz has grown enough to defend himself. Koli's father still hates the whole arangement, but respects Koli for being so steadfast. ]


For the past few years, his father has been unable to participate in hunts thanks to an injury from a dragon rider. Koli and Topaz barely managed to save him.

The old man has been letting Koli lead hunts, while he strategizes and handles negotiation/business related endeavors. It's a bit of a tense co-leadership, but it works.



Bonded Dragon

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Character name

Relationship with character

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