


5 years, 5 months ago


Voluntas is one of the only two demons of wrath in existence. He is infamous in his home plane of the Inferno for his volatile personality and violent treatment of other demons as well as the mortals he ends up contracted to. While all demons embody each of the mortal sins by nature, Voluntas is considered extremely temperamental among his own kind. Contrary to his reputation he often appears indifferent or only mildly annoyed most of the time, but that can change very swiftly. 

He collects the souls of those who make deals with him, as they can be used to enhance a demon's power even further, and sometimes offer abilities otherwise unobtainable to his species. Typically souls are turned into objects and furniture around his lair, or merely consumed on the spot. Although his favorites or those who offer some magical benefit will be used as jewelry on his person, or allowed to retain their forms and wander the confines of his home.

While in the mortal realm Volt frequently changes form to whatever is most convenient at the time. He may often appear almost entirely human, or may simply remove features like his horns or wings which may get in the way given his (typically) large stature. He may also appear in other forms-- such as magical animals-- to appear as a more regular kind of familiar, as demons are not normally associated with the average mortal and may raise inconvenient questions or suspicions. 

His current contractee is Vesper