


5 years, 5 months ago




Name Markus
Age 25-26
Gender Male
Race Werewolf
Role Wanderer
Alignment Neutral Good
Theme Song link



  • Nature
  • Seeing new places or things
  • Wood carving
  • Food


  • Needless death
  • Feathers
  • Wet socks and getting rocks in his boots
  • High pitch sounds


Even with hunters and mercenaries dogging his trail Markus always finds the time to relax and take a load off. He is a  generally care-free man and though he had little choice when it came to being a wanderer he just rolls with the punches his crazy life throws at him.

His beast form, on the other hand, is a bit less stable. Though he was born a werewolf and is therefore mostly in-tune with his other half, his animal instincts can take over his better judgment at times.

Markus doesn't enjoy hurting people or other sentient creatures. He always tries to reason with his hunters and if that doesn't work he'll attempt to take them down non-lethally.

Acquaintances of his have been known to describe him as 'charmingly rustic'.


Human: Markus is of average height and build with well-toned muscles. His skin is lightly tanned and scared in several places; his chest, forearms, stomach, and the bridge of his nose features multiple scars. His hair is a rich brown and is approximately chin length. His beard is generally well groomed. His eyes are olive green.

Beast: Markus' beast form is streamlined and powerful. Parts of his hair and beard remain, mixed in with the fur. His fur isn't too messy, mostly smooth and surprisingly soft. His eyes are overtaken by his sclera and the pupils turn white.


  • He's not a big fan of birds. Their feathers make him sneeze and itch.
  • He carries around a leather-bound journal where he records his adventures. It's basically a diary filled with rambles and doodles.
  • His appetite is bigger than the average man's, especially after having to shift forms.
  • His grandfather was a woodcarver and to this day Markus likes to carve wood to relax or when he's feeling homesick. He's not very good at it, though.
  • People tend to think he's older than he actually is.



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