Sophie Summerhelm



5 years, 5 months ago


Sophie SummerhelmAlchemist of Leta

Name Sophie Summerhelm
Age 19 (HT) 29 (HF)
Gender Female
Height 5'3''
Build Petite
Voice Reference CV: Marieve Herington

"Come on! Let's get started!"

A cheerful, happy-go-lucky girl, working hard to master the art of alchemy. As a child, she was saved from her lifelong illness by one of the most legendary practitioners of alchemy in the kingdom who subsequently became her mentor during her recovery.

Now grown up, Sophie is determined to prove herself and her mastery of alchemy both to herself and her teacher. She travels the land of Adelheld, deepening her knowledge of alchemy and doing her very best to right wrongs whenever she encounters them.


  • cheerful
  • determined
  • kind
  • scatterbrained
  • naieve
  • a busybody

Sophie is a cheery, energetic girl who’s full of pep and determination to do her best at the things she puts her mind to. Her honesty and straightforward nature are what drive her forward through life with energy and passion and full-throttle force. She hates conflict and fighting and while she eventually moves past this, she's still the sort of girl who prefers not to rock the boat too much and if arguments spring up around her, she'll hurriedly try to play peacemaker whether her attempts at making nice are particularly welcome or not. Sophie's biggest desire in life is to spread happiness and joy as best she can and sees resolving conflicts as a part and parcel of doing that. To that end, she can sometimes be a bit of a busybody and can't always recognize when her opinion isn't welcome.

To a degree, this is a help more than it's a hindrance but it's unfortunately also served up with a side of naivete. Sophie is trusting to a fault and it's entirely too easy to trick her or make her believe your intentions are sincere. This stems from Sophie being a little childish for her age in ways that are a bit hard to pin down. She's certainly mature and capable enough to look after herself and be independent in all the ways that matter but she has a certain lack of experience when it comes to the gray areas in interacting with people. She's polite to a fault (sometimes to the point of silliness) and a fast learner, but her immaturity in this regard shows itself more often than not. She's also a little lacking in common sense, here and there – she's not dumb she's just a little scatterbrained even when she’s doing her best, often necessitating a voice of reason to reign her in. At the worst of times, she can be downright ditzy and her priorities can seem wildly out of whack to those looking in from the outside. She's a high int, low wis build, is what I'm saying.

What she might lack in street smarts, though, Sophie more than makes up for with heart. She's a generous, giving sort of girl who loves to help out people in need and seems happiest when she's doing her bit to make the world around her a better place. She's a bit of a mood maker, who makes use of her own abundance of positive energy to try and motivate people who look like they need it. A big part of why she took up learning alchemy in the first place was because she viewed it as a way of creating miracles and happiness in places there would otherwise be no hope. Sophie herself was saved by one of those miracles and now she wants to be able to pass that magic onto as many people as she can.


Sophie is the daughter of Elisabeth and Kirsche Summerhelm, a pair of hardworking farmers. She unfortunately never had the chance to know her mother – during the Age of Catastrophe, Elisabeth had contracted an incurable disease that plagued her for the rest of her life. Doctors were unable to diagnose, let alone cure it and she passed away when Sophie was a toddler, unaware that she had passed the disease on to her daughter as well.

Shortly after her mother's death, Sophie also began showing symptoms of her mother's disease (weak lungs, fatigue, and other nastiness). Her illness rapidly escalated to the point that Sophie spent much of her childhood bedridden and being treated for one malady or another. When she was eleven years old, Sophie contracted a winter illness that along with the rest of her symptoms threatened to be fatal. By sheer coincidence or fate, one of the founders of the Church of Light, the Legendary Alchemist, Amelie, was passing through her town. Sophie's father begged Amelie to save his daughter and never one to pass up a PR opportunity for the Church, she deigned to do so. It was a long process but Amelie was able to use the power of alchemy to treat and eventually completely cure Sophie's illness.

During her recovery, Sophie and Amelie formed an unlikely friendship that eventually blossomed into a partnership of student and teacher in response to Sophie's enthusiasm for alchemy. Amelie stayed in the village for a year, teaching Sophie all she was able to pass on in that time and when she left, encouraged Sophie to continue her studies. Sophie did just that and spent almost all of her time afterward studying alchemy by herself and using her newfound skills to help the people closest to her.

When she was eighteen, her father Kirsche also passed away. He too had suffered from poor health in the wake of the Age of Catastrophe and though Sophie tried, she was unable to fully cure him. Following his death she sunk into a depression, blaming herself for being unable to save him. But with the encouragement of the townsfolk she had been helping for so many years, Sophie picked herself up and decided to begin traveling Adelheld to put her knowledge into test.

Some time after she began her journey, Sophie began occasionally traveling with an older friend of hers, Marie Cooper, who had similar interests in the natural world. While on their way to Telna, to visit Sophie’s teacher, they encounter Lucille Lu[STATIC NOISES] and Valencia Seville who were traveling in a similar direction for their own reasons. Lulu enthusiastically attached herself to them, and the four formed an informal party. While traveling, the party were subtly encouraged to seek out and gather a number of ancient treasures that had been scattered around the land. These treasures were scattered parts of a suit of armour that was needed for Ulrich to contain Caleigh's power once he revived. Along the way, they were joined by Alice who was Ulrich's child, fleeing the Church in disguise.

As slowly became clear, however, the Church of Light was corrupt at the heart and through their adventures, the Hexaparty's goal changed from gathering the artifacts for the Church to gathering the artifacts to keep them out of the Church's hands. Eventually, they were also joined by Aran defecting from the Church and by Celadon who was mostly just happy to be here. Their effort came to naught when the party came face to face with Ulrich and, pressured by her father, Alice found herself giving into him and handing over the artifacts. The betrayal was only momentary, but it gave the Church a devastating advantage. Remembering what had happened the last time the Heroes battle Caleigh, the Hexaparty decided to seek out a blessing from Leta in order to help them face Caleigh.

Skills & Abilities

Skill One
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Skill Two
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Skill Three
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Skill Four
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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



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