


5 years, 5 months ago



Shōshitai Garusu

Passionate, reckless healer


Species: Cottontail Rabbit-being (albinistic)
Orientation: Homosexual
Gender: Male
Hair: White
Height: 5'0"
Eyes: Pure red
Occupation: Battle-cleric
Build: Lean, sinewy


  • Being needed/wanted
  • History, sometimes...
  • Good attention and compliments


  • Those who belittle his line of work
  • Uptight people who can't handle his brashness TM



Hi i'm Shō, outspoken trashy battle-cleric, and you're watching high fantasy Jackass

Hailing from a sleepy hamlet of Cottontail Rabbit-beings, Shō was predetermined to be special with his striking albinism among his family and other townspeople.
As war ravaged the world- Steele- around him, it eventually caught up to the town of Rabbits and conscription from the massive Kingdom- Mitern- was handed down to all the able youths. Many of Shō's siblings as well as adolescent friends were taken up and set into war camps, where they were more or less forced apart, tasked in different ways to help the Kingdom they wanted nothing to do with.

His Cleric background was a second-thought but it quickly consumed him, having the power come without pain and struggle (Illusion sorcery, on the other hand, Was A Mistake). But paired with his feisty disposition, he got into too many fights within the war camps to not learn how to properly fight in battle.
Most healers cannot say the same (at least not as capable as this lil' Rabbit can), and thus Shō fulfills his destiny of being a viable, outstanding asset to any company.


All of his life he'd been used to attention, for one reason or another. He sometimes says and acts in ridiculous ways to get the attention he feels he deserves, since the army/companies he roams with are often crowded. His tone is always like a guffaw or an unbelievable boast is on the tip of his tongue, and his body language is exaggerated.

In and out of work Shō can be considered reckless, perhaps even seen as having a death wish, as he's usually the first to respond in a rough situation (whether its for healing or for fighting), or to stand up to a bully... You'd think with the way he treats everyone that he were ten feet tall and immortal. He's immature and, frankly, a little slow on the uptake and off-beat, but expects the best out of anyone else.

Underneath all the brawn and buffoonery, he can be soft and unsure... Most especially self-conscious (when not around other Rabbit-beings in particular), but it would take a massive amount of prying to ever 'reach' that part of him. He has an ideal of the self that means never shedding tears around others, to be strong and proud-- capability above all else. You'd much quicker see him react dramatically outraged/violent than in actual pain.

To dumb him down: he's a little shit that relies on other people far too much... But acts like he doesn't.

Skills and Abilities

Healing Magics
Shō's primary school of magics. He picked it up quickly and is pleased to utilize it. His specialty is curing internal ailments, namely hemorrhages and offset bones/torn ligaments. He is very much in demand wherever he goes.

Illusionary Magics
Has slight reach into this magic. Utilizes it for his own selfish purposes, disguising his albinism that he's self-conscious about: changes hair color or eye color (changing his skin color got his ass beat way too many times to do it anymore BAHAHAHAHA)

Extremely proficient with his arms and legs. His height and weight is helpful for evasion, too (in his experience, and he's had plenty).

Rabbit Constitution
His species is known for its herbivorous diet. Lifespan up to 120 years, on average. Immune to influenza.


  • His name translates from Rabbitstongue: Shining Star. He is utterly embarrassed and not forthcoming about this fact.
  • """Affectionately""" nicknamed Idiot by those that know him.
  • Shō's palms and wrists are scarred to hell and back from backfired magic spells. The scars themselves look more swirled and knotted than like the conventional 'slash' pattern due to the spells casted.
  • Born on April 1st (♈)
  • He runs cold. If he isn't wearing all his robes, he is prone to whining and trying to fend off shivers.
       ...All in all, he feels he has good reasons to wear so many clothes and rarely take them off lololo.
  • He has never cooked a single meal-- not for others, not for himself. To be fair, he's just fine eating raw vegetables and fibers...
  • The rest of his conscripted siblings have silver facial piercings elsewhere. If you see another Rabbit-being hailing from Mitern with a silver piercing somewhere on their face or in their ear, you've met a Garusu!
  • His voice claim is along the lines of a brash, tinny slurred tone-- like Jerma (this video might be loud? just a warning). His tone is easy to excite, usually getting loud quite fast, and in general he's very informal (even when he's saying formal, eloquent words)! And yeah, his accent is pretty damn new england-ish 😂
