


5 years, 5 months ago


Basic info

Ji (by everyone)
Blood type
Type B
200 cm
18 November
Associated animal

Skills and fighting style


Meeting lovelies~❤
Can travel to various dimensions.
Hidden steel, lovely silk
Can summon a polearm, preferably a ji polearm.


Ji initially doesn't seem like a person that likes fighting. Usually she will try to reason with someone if the situation allows her to do so, if not she always readies herself for incoming attacks. Her style mostly revolves around defense, tiring out her opponent. With seemingly little movemements, she's able to fend off for herself just fine and block almost every attack. Once her enemy is weakened is when Ji strikes. Her discipline is her strongest point but also her weakness: she's unable to think much outside of the box. This causes her to lose focus whenever something doesn't go to plan thus making her worried. Nevertheless, Ji is rarely alone and always will look for other people to back her up.

Quirks and physical appearance

Ji has long legs and is always barefoot. In order to prevent her feet from getting hurt, she floats around most of the time. Having mastered keeping her balance on various angles, she's never seen struggling with floating and doing various tasks. The only time that she will stop floating is to make others feel more at ease or to pretend to be human.

Ji is rarely seen without her translucent shawl, which is also seen floating in the air. She claims that it reminds her of very dear memories and making her feel at ease whenever she goes to a different universe. Same goes for her glasses: Ji doesn't need them but still carries it around.

With her loving and motherly nature, she's prone to hugging other people and being physically affectionate. Calling them "darling", "sweetie" and "lovelies" even if she just met them. Patting others on the head is not uncommon for her.



Being one of the older polearm siblings and being openly warm with others, Ji unofficially was considered the mother figure of the lot due to her kind nature and patience with others.

Ji never had someone to rely on outside of Nameless when she was younger. Her older siblings weren't exactly open and suited for taking care of others. Soon enough, she began to focus on her training while also frequently talking to the other residents of the pocket dimension. Though confused at first, they started to enjoy their company and tell her various stories. Entranced by it, Ji began to turn to her younger siblings and spending a lot of time with them.

Soon she became known as the person who everyone could talk to if they were struggling with something. Ji rarely goes to missions and usually stays in the pocket dimension. Instead, she teaches the younger ones various techniques and skills in order to have them develop their skills. Right now, she's training her youngest sibling, Nata. The two of them are very close and due to Nata's young age, she rarely leaves her alone.


Ji initially seems like a very lady-like person but once you get to know her, she's actually very jolly and upbeat. She always tries her hardest to make others feel more optimistic and have them worry less about the future. She can usually be seen with a laugh on her face, though she can be stern if the situation calls for it. Nevertheless, she's not afraid to speak her mind and give her own opinion on various subjects.

Trivia and headcanons

  • Just like Nameless, Ji likes eating food despite not having to do that.
  • She's not afraid to playfully tease the other siblings..
  • Ji treats almost everyone as if they're younger than her, though there are a few execptions.