Hecate - $35



5 years, 5 months ago




Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 23
Sexuality Bisexual
Breed Red Fox
Mate N/a


Sly Determined Intelligent Perceptive Wary


Hecate lives alone in her forest where no one bothers her ever. Perfect for practicing new spells and brushing up on prior knowledge. Time has left her distrustful of strangers. The few she's seen in previous years would describe her as unpleasant with an eerie and spine chilling presence.


Last born in her birth family she was offered to a coven of witches when she was merely a year old. Her birth family was struggling to feed many mouths. They needed a miracle and had heard of the witches in the area with unique abilities. The witches asked for a life in compensation of their deeds. One life to save the lives many seemed reasonable enough so the family gave them their youngest born. The coven consisted of only females, males were sent 'elsewhere'. Hecate was lucky to have been a baby girl as she was raised learning the ways of witchcraft.

Over time the coven shrank due better opportunities and the eventual huntings. Hecate escaped many hunters throughout the years before she finally found the place she now calls home.



  • Wary strangers she lives alone in the forest.
  • Her true age is unkown but assumed to be in the hundreds.
  • Unbeknownst to her birth family, she's visited them a few times.
  • Though she's not found of others she does long for the kinship her coven once provided.