


5 years, 4 months ago


❀  P R O F I L E :
✂    Name: Li, Jun Yi
✂    Year: First
✂    Age: 18
✂    Birthday: January 17th (Capricorn)
✂    Race: Chinese
✂    Gender: Male
✂    Sexuality: Hella homo Demisexual
✂    Height: 5'8"
✂    House: -- tba
✂    Club: Basketball - Point guard )

❀  P E R S O N A L I T Y :
( + ) Athletic; Daring; Passionate; Shrewd
( / ) Ambitious; Aggressive; Complex; Sarcastic
( - ) Assertive; Crafty; Deceitful; Possessive
↪ Never underestimate the cute face, because what hides behind the angelic appearance is a devil. From the public eye, Jun Yi is athletic, ambitious, daring, and passionate. That is not an act, except he is exceptionally skilled at hiding his true colors. Behind that flowery face is a complex character. What most people don't see about this deceitful kid is that he's shrewd, sarcastic and possessive. He can say one thing, but in his mind he will say another colorful line. Jun Yi is assertive and crafty when he has a goal he wants to achieve. He does a pretty good job in controlling his temper. . . most of the time, especially compared to his past self. However, once he is angered and his mask 'shatters' . . . he could get pretty aggressive despite his size.

❀  B I O G R A P H Y :
Much to people's disbelief seeing him now, Jun Yi was once a delinquent. That was time and past that Jun Yi wished to never speak again. His parents always fought and got a divorce, so he became rebellious and wanted attention from his family. It was childish of him to think that way, but he also hung around a bad crowd at that time as well. Jun Yi thought smoking and talking crudely made him 'cool' like his 'friends'. He dropped that phase and those 'friends' after having a long talk with his family, and he had tried to change himself for the better. Not to mention, he really had true friends before so he wanted more people to like him. So he figured it was best to start 'fresh' in his first year of high school high school debut whut. However, even with the new makeover image couldn't completely hide what he used to be. He would try to talk or be nice, but he often found his inner voice rephrasing his speech the crude way. Jun Yi worked hard to maintain his bubbly image, but every so often his real colors would slip out whenever he lost his patience.

❀  L I K E S  /  D I S L I K E S :

Basketball or any kind of sports
food and snacks
monopolizing his possessions
good hygiene
phone games (like Love Live-- LOL)
winning challenges
soft and squishy things he can sleep on
Bringing up his past
accidentally showing his true colors
anything beyond his control
homework/school assignments
stinky body odor
having nothing to do

❀  A D D I T I O N A L   I N F O :
♦ Voice Claim [ Masuda Toshiki ].
♦ Jun Yi is often seen wearing the sports/jersey jacket rather than the school blazer
♦ He has an older sister that works at an anime merchandise company
♦ While he's athletic, Jun Yi is terrible when it comes to academics