


5 years, 4 months ago


Percy <3

Age: Unknown (Around 17)

Sexuality: GAy boi

Gender: FTM Male

 Species: Wolf. he is part angel from his mother's side. 

Likes: Being alone, silence, a good hardcover book, DC comics, cuddles, tea, sleep, music, fruit punch, video games, traveling, spinach pie, blueberry donuts, Ice skating. 

Dislikes: People, talking too much, being annoyed, being forced to do anything, talking about his problems, talking about his before transitioning time, food.

 Small Summary:

Was dropped off at an orphanage by his father, his mother passed at birth and after a while, his father gave up on trying to raise him without her.Percy was left with nothing but a small necklace, Silver, on one side a bird and the other a quote; "You have the freedom to be and now." -Jonathan Livingston SeagullPercy is a rather smart and understanding boy, He never felt any hate towards his parents for leaving him, he understood that it was their problem and not his, he didn't really feel anything about the matter. His orphan life wasn't too terrible in his eyes, he just viewed it as a resting spot before you get to the home you belong at. He never got close to being adopted but he was alright with that. At the assumed age of 6, Percys Father's brother, Merklin Mal came and offered him to stay with him. Percy's father had passed and in his Will, he had left a hefty amount of money and other belongings for Percy and Merklin. Percy simply agreed to avoid the small amount of bullying he had been receiving since one of the new kids arrived. He also didn't mind staying with family. Merklin Mal was not a bad man, and he knew well how to care of his nephew. Merklin had a son, at the time eight years old and a daughter at age four. His wife, Lilly Mal, was a bit of a workaholic, but when push comes to shove she puts her family first. Merklin was more or less a stay at home dad, and he tressured his kids, and now his brother's son. Percy grew to really love and appreciate his "new family", Percy even started calling Lilly mama and Merklin pa. Merklin's son, Ryan loved Percy very very much, he had always wanted a little brother, so he was happy to take Percy as such. Percy and he grew up together well and always attached at the hip, inseparable, the two did everything together. Percy was always very quiet and reserved though, so Percy would read books in the yard while Ryan played soccer with his school friends. Percy had no "school" friends other then Ryans friends. He was homeschooled with Missy, the Mal families only daughter. Percy was fine with that, he did well with older kids, and male friends just got along better with him. Now Percy is around 17, and Missy age 15, Ryan off in college-age 19. Percy continues learning at home and maintains a job at his local ice rink. (Percy had been going there with Ryan since young, Ryan taught him and he grew to love figure skating. So he got a job teaching youngsters to figure skate so that on his days when he didn't read or sleep or other, he could skate for free and however long he wished.)