Jennifer Adreana



5 years, 4 months ago


"Can I be part of the problem,
 NAME   Jenn 
 GENDER   Girlthing 
 SEXUALITY   Bisexual 
 D.O.B.   13/01/XX 





- or part of the blame?"
 SPECIES   Demi-God 
 PRONOUNS   She/They 
 HEIGHT   Varies; ~5'7" 
 WEIGHT   Varies 







A shapeshifting Demi-God, and the only one of her kind, Jenn has been through more than one could possibly imagine. Every time she dies, she "respawns" in an entirely different universe, leaving behind a corpse. She resides in Veilwood, where she was born, but often wanders around the multiverse wherever she's needed. She is the Main Character, after all, and insists on acting like it.







Jenn, as a teenager, was often volatile, swinging violently between chill and cocky to agressive or apathetic. Her mood is heavily dependent on the situation, entering certain ego states when under stress, sometimes acting or feeling like she's a completely different person. Regardless, though, she tended to enjoy being the center of attention, often acting to make things about herself (even when they really shouldn't be) and tended to be intensely selfish. She would often inadvertently ignore the feelings of those around her, even when she cared about them.

As an adult, though, she's mostly evened out into a more composed and maternal role, caring about those around her deeply and intensely. She considers herself "retired", and only intervenes with things if she's specifically asked to. She tries her best to be a safe and dependable presence in people's lives, especially with those younger than herself.

Making Mischief

Found Family


Her Father

Unexpected Physical Touch


Jenn's story starts far before her birth, really, with the inception of the town she lives in. Veilwood was a small pocket dimension, led by a pantheon of animalistic Gods. One of them, however, wanted more influence over the town. The God of Decay, selfish in any sense of the word, ruthlessly killed his fellow pantheon in a fit of jealous rage. It was an act that would have decades of unforseen consequenses-- Killing the Gods of Time, Expanse, Weather, and others had extreme ramifications on the little town, warping it irreparably. As the last remaining God, it took a humanoid form to mingle with the town's denizens, under the moniker of Bartholomew, eventually and inadvertently siring a child, Jenn, wherein her mother passed during childbirth. Jenn's father didn't care for the child in the slightest, and being a God of death and Decay, was unphased by the mother's death, leaving both to be dealt with by others. Jenn was abandoned, in the woods outside the town, and forced to raise herself for some time, before being taken in by the Adreana family by the time she was a young child-- But not before inadvertently making a deal with one of the last remaining Gods in Veilwood, the God of Union. This deal echoed through space-time, removing any alternate versions of Jenn that would or could ever exist, condensing them all into the young Demi-God.

Life was simple, for a while, Jenn being taken care of by a small and humble family, unaware of her Godly origins. That is until the string of mysterious murders started, when she was a young teen. The town was in a tizzy over it, nobody able to figure out what was going on. Jenn, frankly, couldn't have cared less, at first. She wasn't exactly the "friends" type, and wasn't close to many others in town, outside of her family. She didn't start to care until it personally affected her, her parents becoming one of the many victims in the murder spree. She took it upon herself to avenge them, personally seeking out who had taken her parents away. She found it was Alice, a young teen around the same age as her, and without second thought, killed her brutally. This, of course, ended the mysterious killings in town, but only angered those that Alice was working for. Jenn's actions roused a great beast from the woods, one that was familiar with her already but that she had never truly met. Her father, the God of Decay, had a target on her back, and Jenn would need to slay him to save the town. In doing so, however, she perished as well.

Jenn didn't stay dead, though, waking up into a life she was unfamiliar with, surrounded by people who claimed to know her but that she didn't recognize. She wasn't sure what to do, or how to feel-- Was everything that came before just a dream? Who were these people, and why was one claiming to be her girlfriend? She didn't have any choice but to go along with it all, and eventually her past did feel like just a strange dream. She fell into a new rhythm and routine, and had the perceived opportunity to fall in love all over again. Unfortunately for her, though, Jenn's girlfriend had malintent, using her as a stepping stone for otherworldly power; Jenn was used as a "human" sacrifice, dying once again. Betrayed by someone she loved.

This was a theme, for Jenn, in her teenage years. Live, die, reappear elsewhere, repeat ad infinitum. That was, of course, until she bonded with certain figures online, eventually leading her to a plethora of discoveries about herself; She was half-God, had initially been killed by her own father, and the ghost of the murderer she killed in her hometown had been tethererd to her all this time.


Many things happened between then and now, but only some of them are truly important. Love, loss, divorce, joy, and tragedy all follow Jenn throughout her life. Nowadays, though, she's a humble owner of an interdimensional chatroom and café, with her handful of loved ones and found family. She's become of her own fictionality, but doesn't let that bother her. She considers herself retired, mostly, taking time to recouperate from her long and arduous life. In her free time, though, she dimension-hops to various places, sometimes even inadvertently drawing attention to herself. In fact, in certain places, she's become a famed vigilante superhero. She hardly takes credit, though, preferring to stay anonymous.


Alice Cooley  

At one point, the two were sworn enemies and rivals; in fact, Jenn was the one to kill Alice in the first place, leaving her as a ghost. Nowadays, though, the two have gotten over their differences and squabbles, settling down and living together. The're basically married.


Katherine Azrealus

Jenn's ex-girlfriend that betrayed and sacrificed her. Though Kat doesn't remember her, Jenn can't help but continue to feel scorned by her first love gone wrong. If Jenn had it her way, Kat would never be seen or heard from again. ... The same goes for Jenn's ex-wife of a similar name and color scheme.



Jenn, as a shapeshifter, can take many forms. By default, she's a furry brown creature, not unlike a mammalian dragon of sorts. When taking a human form, however, Jenn tends to keep the same general look. Brown, wavy hair with green tips, pointed teeth, and a Roman nose are staples of her appearance. As an adult, she enjoys wearing varsity-style jackets, often in purple and green, but her outfit and color symbolism can depend on her age.


Jenn was originally made circa 2013, for a roleplay on Scratch.

Jenn has a clone-child named Jinx.

She is divorced and her ex-wife took custody of their child.

Vulture Culture  - Fang Club