

5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Cryx "Crush" Firefang  

Nickname(s): Crush
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Dragonborn
Orientation: Bisexual
Class: Monk
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Occupation: please hire her to punch things
Power(s): fire breathing | punching very good
Height: +6ft 


+ Agreeable | Energetic | Open | Uncomplaining  
= Impressionable | Tough
- Rambunctious | Destructive | obtuse 


  • Crush is the daughter of two dragonborn who manage the finances and hoard of the dragon lord in their area. As a result they enjoy great luxury and the lifestyle of the richest nobility, serving their lord loyally for many years. Intending her to inherit their mantle when they pass, Crush was trained from a young age in accounting and the techniques for management of an ancient dragon's wealth, but has shown little interest in it, and honestly, little talent for it, despite her parents tutelage. As she grew older and more independent, her parents grew increasingly frustrated at her lack of commitment and focus on her inheritance and their legacy and sent her off to a monastery in an attempt to instil discipline to their fiery dragon child. But instead of turning her into a model citizen worthy to inherit her family's fortune, she was instead transformed into a martial adept, finding her calling in throwing her weight around and beating her opponents into submission. She's recently absconded from the monastery against her parents explicit instructions and taken to the road in search of adventure (and her own coin) and has stumbled upon a collection of individuals who will hopefully help her transition into a more rounded lizard. Results still pending.


[✓] punching | precious gems and jewellery | practical weapons | adventuring on the open road | gold | being spoiled | frivolous luxury items
[X] paying money for bad food | math | entitlement | minimalism | being wasteful | going hungry | following her parents instructions 

[ MISC ]

  • Has two different coloured eyes - one blue and one gold (heterochromia) 
  • Despite her somewhat aristocratic upbringing and her association with nobility, she doesn't believe herself to be above anyone else and doesn't expect handouts on account of her family name. 
  • Is well aware that she's considered a disappointment in the eyes of her parents and doesn't particularly care about earning their favour, but would appreciate an acknowledgement of her hard work and her ability to forge her own path independently to them.
  • Speaks Common, Draconic and Elvish. Learnt Elvish while studying at the monastery.
