


5 years, 4 months ago


Character Information

Name: Iris

Age: 523

Gender: Female

Species: Ghoul

Occupation: works at a local salon, specialises in nail art.

Sexual Orientation: (panromantic) ace

Status: single


  • little self restraint.. this leads to her being terrible with money: it disappears the moment it reaches her account
  • acts confident but is actually insecure and worried she's scaring people.
  • materialistic. will show people if she gets some new expensive brand clothes or accessories.(FLEXES)
  • is a mess but puts on a good show
  • Acts kind of stuck up and sometimes stubborn
  • You know you're friends when you get to see her ugly cry.
  • Tries her best to look after her friends when they're feeling down even if she doesn't know how to. Usually she just does stuff with them she personally enjoys and hopes they’re having fun too.
  • wants to look like shes living the high life, maybe so people dont look down on her.
  • despite wanting to live more luxuriously she realises that shes living very well and reminds herself not to take it for granted.


!!!!TW!!! (unintentional) self harm !!! (its in the first paragraph only).
    Iris was summoned during an epidemic, with the idea that she would eat  humans who died of viruses - and so reduce the spread. Her bloodlust was much stronger when she was younger, she never once killed a human though, only eating dead ones; taking little notice to the damage she was doing to herself by violently clawing at carcasses, or by the humans that found her mid-meal. As the illness passed she would find other sources of food such as following battles and wars, or new viruses, eating remains of whatever she could find. Medicine gradually improved, creating less bodies for her to eat, due to this she turned to graveyards for food.

     She watched the humans that frequented the graveyard. Previously she had only seen the mean side of humans, the side that would hurt her for trying to survive, the side that would speak kindly to her up until they saw her rotting face, then would look at her as if she was a disgusting creature that had somehow wronged them just by existing. Here, they looked morose and sombre, softened faces with kind eyes that she’d never seen anyone wear before. It intrigued her. The more she watched, the more she became interested in humans, not just as food or enemies, but as people. Sometimes, when she was feeling brave she would venture into town at night, look at the clothes in the stores, the breads and cakes in the bakery, peer through the quaint cottage windows,  see the fireplaces, the sofas with knitted toys scattered around, and the embroidered curtains. Fully knowing that if she stayed around by morning the same people who made such wondrous things would surround her with their fire and pitchforks, and chase her away to find a new home: in the cold, in the dirt.

    Eventually whispers of a place where both humans and demons lived in harmony reached her. A safe place to try and enjoy human pleasures and to live in ‘luxury’, rather than rummage through graveyards and following plagues. A place she wouldn’t be scorned after one look. She had always wanted to eat new foods and do activities like playing bingo and having a party, but previously did not have the opportunity to do so in public. Coming here gave her the chance to do just this without fear.

    At first, it was very strange for her, this town, where humans and demons alike would smile at her on the street. She was wary at first, and covering her blemishes as if that would disguise her. There were many other demons here, like her, just going about their daily life. The more time she spent here the more ‘human’ she became, in her mannerisms and ideals, she stood tall instead of crouching, she became more comfortable to show obviously that she is a demon, she would meet people’s eyes, and do all the things she wished she could do for years before. Now she lives comfortably. Happily.



  • kpop fan! knows the dances to many songs and may perform them for you if she's comfy with you. tends not to dp it in public otherwise as she worries her hair will go out of place with excessive movement.
  • fashion and makeup! she tries her best to look good, and enjoys trashy magazines that recommend fad diets like eating only human fle- ,,,,like eating only hummus, fresh….(not that she ever actually goes on diets)
  • expensive things,, though she can barely afford them she likes to treat herself to eating at posh restaurants, she’d eat several bowls of caviar, and to keep costly vases in her room she doesn't even use them they're just for display i mean c'mon at least put some flowers in it or something,,,
  • watermelon. she would eat it whole. it's her guilty pleasure
  • her flatmates despite complaining a lot,  she feels she can be herself around them.
  • Flowers, especially lilies, chrysanthemums, and orchids. Unfortunately she tends to forget to water them - then over waters them, leading to their death, due to this she rarely keeps plants in her room.
  • Trying out new things
  • Reality tv, terrible dramas or romcoms, and cooking shows, though she never cooks anything from the later shows she just looks longingly and tells herself she will definitely make that in the future.
  • touching different fabrics, she particularly likes the texture of silk and velvet.



  • her share house,,, she finds it embarrassing and won't tell anyone where she lives unless they're v close or she can't avoid it. one day shell live in a mansion,,,,,one day……….. it's a good thing she lives a long long time cause she's not going to be able to afford one anytime soon (especially if she keeps getting more vases you're going yo run out of space please get ahold of yourself lady)
  • she can navigate her phone (when her fake claws are off,,) but apart from that she's useless with technology even struggling with finding the ON button…. the one that often has the same symbol on most devices,,, due to this she finds most devices frustrating. she's the type to write full questions into google instead of keywords.  
  • horror movies. despite being a demon herself horror movies terrify her. especially psychological ones. She's fine with gore though.
  • sand, it’s difficult to wash off as it gets stuck under her skin or in between muscles.
  • Humans asking if she's a zombie.
  • Despite enjoying human niceties, inventions, and customs she's actually not super keen on humans themselves generally, she’s a bit scared of them, not that she’d let them know that. (she likes the idea of humans more than she likes humans,,,,,,if that makes sense)


  • her left hand is her dominant hand! It has been worn to the bone in some parts so she wears a cushioned, grippy glove on it at all times to pick up things and use touchscreens more easily. Her right hand can be used as normal,,if her nails allow.
  • sometimes when she meets retired humans she tries to convince them to write into their will that she can eat their body (and maybe give her a little money too..maybe) she says that it'll go to good use! this v rarely works but luckily she hasn't gotten into trouble so far
  • due to decay her hearing and eyesight aren't very good. it's difficult for her to wear glasses, so she wears contacts. Occasionally she’ll wear coloured ones.
  • has a long complicated skin care routine she does every morning and night in hopes to reduce her skin from decaying more. better to start late than never.