


5 years, 4 months ago




Name Vile Vespera; First Knight of Amerthelian
Name Pronunciation ///
Gender/orientationFemale; lesbian
Alignment:Lawful Evil
OccupationAmerthelian's bodyguard and right hand
Residence Acsynthian Cathedral
Height and weight:6.23 ft, 198 pounds

In a world populated by only one species, one can hardly have any radical differences in appearance. However, Vespera stands out - her height, muscles and formidable look were the main differences between her and most other women in her land, which, of course, didn’t bother her in the least. Without much fanaticism, she takes care of her physical condition and health, including her appearance.

She has neither rudeness nor pampered grace that her compatriots love to cultivate, but her straight, slightly harsh facial features are beautiful enough to attract attention.

On the right side of her face she has a scar that cuts the eyebrow and cheekbone in a semicircle. There is not a beautiful or heroic story behind it, and Vespera herself will not talk about how she got it. Because of her occupation and past this scar is not the only one, but it is the most visible. Amerthelian heals all Vespera’s new scars that appeared after joining the templars, mostly because she wants to see her the same as before.


Vespera is cold-blooded and phlegmatic person, and her self-control often kept her from making bad decisions that caused suffering for more reckless individuals. She gives the impression of a reserved and unfriendly person, her face almost always bears an expression of stern contempt or disapproval.

She frowns often, looks intently at others, even if it makes them angry. She smiles rarely, but it is not uncommon for her to enjoy something -- for example, success or her lady’s attention.
Vespera is wayward and stubborn. A sign of her pride is that she hates to be pushed by circumstances. You can hardly call her brave -- she is cunning, prudent and unwilling to take unreasonable risk; if she is in grave danger, she will not play a hero. In battle one should not expect an honest,  fair fight from her, although she may pretend to be a “noble knight” in order to confuse her rivals or victims. Vespera is almost always in a state of gloomy concentration and and ready to respond with aggression, both verbal and physical.

She has a very strained relationship with society. Due to life circumstances and many unpleasant episodes, Vespera simply does not like people. She is an obvious misanthrope. However, she has the same requirements for people and for herself:  above all Vespera considers her ideals, striving to perfect herself and the world around her, but because this radical approach and the unpopularity of these ideals she often encounters resistance. The strength of Vespera is in her stability of views, desire for self-improvement and perseverance in achieving her goals.

Her weakness is confrontation as well as problems with conflict resolution, along with issues around morality and misanthropy. For the rest, Vespera is a strong person with no noticeable weak points.

  • Of course, Vespera cannot fight and throw people into the abyss every  day. In her free time, she is not averse to play board games, have a  serious and meaningful conversation with someone -- of course, only if  there is a good companion -- or just spend time with books. She loves to  study  historical literature, read about the history of various states,  about wars and about prominent personalities of the past times.
Martial arts
Vespera has cultivated her strength and stamina from a young age. She took training seriously when she was able to become a knight, and sought to demonstrate to others that she was no worse than them. Joining Amerthelian's order of templars and clerics and being awarded a particle of divine power, she has honed her skills even further.
Life has shown her that justice does not exist. She wasn't going to put up with the cunning of her enemies and didn't see anything shameful to achieve victory with any dirty trick. In battle and in life, she can pretend she is a noble knight, but will certainly take advantage of anything she has.
Share of Darkness
Amerthelian taught Vespera simple manipulations with the dark energy that sleeps in the nephilim souls. Vespera can enchant her weapons and even her own body to become more powerful in battle. The knight of High Priestess will show no mercy to Her enemies.

At the beginning of her life journey, Vespera was an ordinary knight, who achieved this title through her own efforts. However, detractors among other knights eventually betrayed and slandered her, which led to her exile, and she found nothing better to do than to engage in brigandage. For a long time, she was a participant in robbery, theft, murder, setting up of traps, and even uniting with other bandits to raid settlements. However, such meaningless life eventually tired her, and she decided to leave her homeland. In another state, Fratteia, she unexpectedly found new employment. Her unusual skills and strength were highly appreciated by certain religious order.

Although Vespera did not attach any special significance to this at first, later she became imbued with local moods, and moreover, she understood that Amerthelian -- head of the order -- is her ideal of personality in the flesh. Her devotion later resulted in her being granted with immortality and status of the first knight.


Amerthelian is much more than just the church leader for Vespera. It is a person who causes her sincere admiration - at least because of the closeness of their views. She is Vespera's mentor, best friend and one for whom she could give her life.


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