Maw Girl (Jodi)



5 years, 4 months ago
f af


the child of Residence. jodi grew up in quite the peculiar context: specifically, inside her mother. being the child of a living house is certainly not the strangest thing that could happen in the haven plane, but it does tend to make you stick out. jodi grew up in the harsh environment of the haven plane, mostly in favor of her eccentric mothers. they are grand, talented witches, and traveling merchants, so the isolated wilderness of the uncharted lands were the perfect place for them. for jodi, well… she certainly was popular with the customers as a child! 

jodi since moved to the city, hoping to find a bit more of a calmer life than the one she’s used to. even so, her doting mothers refuse to leave her alone even in the vastly unfamiliar urban landscape of fogmere. they check on her almost an embarrassing amount, but poor jodi by far lacks the assertiveness to tell them off..! currently in college, she’s just now figuring out what she’d like to do in life, arcane or not. perhaps she’d like to go to culinary school, or become a botanist..? a soft-hearted girl at heart, and quite timid, but surprisingly hardy when it comes to stressful situations. maybe growing up around the constant threat of yippers and basilisks had something to do with it?