Oaranella Abyssal



5 years, 4 months ago




Gracious and prideful yet without arrogance, Oaranella has an air of grace around him - befitting the heir of Abyssal, Sires' firstborn son by Azamora. Though Ant Colonies are traditionally not hereditary, Sires' long rule and obvious favoritism towards his children of Azamora have placed more scrutiny on them as important political figures. Under such light, Oaranella has blossomed.

Deeply moralistic and religious, Oaranella spent most of his formative years pouring over texts of Beytte and visiting the ancient drowned temples of Abyssal. As he matured, guided by Sires' wisdom and personal tutelage, he pledged to uphold the old morals Beytte had placed as the mortals' burden. To do so, he pursued a career in Internal Management, underneath the Education Supervisor. 

Unknowest to him, godblood ran in his veins. His 'mother', Azamora, was secretly a lesser god - and had magicked up his egg to present to Sires, a symbol of their deep affection for one another. Oaranella's magical prowess quickly reared its head, and he found himself being taught elaborate spells and magic circles by Azamora himself.

Though incredibly giddy with his lot in life, Oaranella barely spoke of his achievements. Humility, after all, was a virtue - and more important than he was the Colony: the one, the breathing mechanism they made up, the whole of Ant life. Though privately dedicated to his family, he put on a calm, collected face for his colony, serving them well as their beacon for the future. His job, teaching magic to young Ants with an aptitude, came hand-in-hand.

And both quickly became even more crucial when his younger brother, Aglaope, turned twenty.

To say Oaranella has feelings of resentment towards Aglaope is wrong. Truthfully, he does love his brother, despite the can of worms he seems to not help opening, constantly. But Aglaope has vastly different ideals for who he should be, and has placed the crux of his criticism on Oaranella. It's hard not to be hurt by his brother's callousness....

Still, there is nothing more disconcerting than hearing what happened to Aglaope at the hands of Ink Colony. Though their relationship may be complex and complicated, the idea of losing one of the few people who intimately understand his balancing act shatters right through Oaranella's polite exterior.

He prays daily for Aglaope's safe rescue.


Song(s): -
Tarot: Three of Cups
Zodiac: Pisces / Cancer / Gemini

Caste: Aner

Spectrum: Demigod

Birthday: Karsh 24, 283,916


My hands can show us the way, but feel how they shake,