Casper Prince



5 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Name Casper Prince

Called Casper/Cas

Age ageless immortal entity

D.o.B. N/A

Gender Male

PEN COLOURS (this is for me) RR3,WG9,CG9,BB29,DY31,PBB144,

Race Celestiel Being

Role Husband

Demeanor Playful,short tempered, fiercely protective

Status Married

Sexual orientation Pansexual

Origin N/A


Designer JaegerWolfTango

Value 2,325usd+


Playful • Sassy • Protective • Sad

Casper is a bit...complicated. Originally, he was an angel, and his name was Remriel. He was the Angel of the Ocean, tasked to mould and create all water-faring life that wiuld soon inhabit the planet they had been carefully crafting. During this time, Remriel gew close with anither angel, Archangel Gabriel. Generally, it was frowned upon for the angels to persue such trivial things such as love, but Remriel, and by extention Casper, had always been prone to things of that nature. Whilst the two grew close, Gabriel was plotting with God to rid earth of their prized creation- the preprogrammed evolutionary chain which would inevitably result in humanity. Remriel, and a large number of others disagreed with this plan once it had all come to light, and so began the Celestiel Revolution. Remriel had never been a confrontational entity, but during the great battle, he was formidable. He flew upon great white wings that stretched almost eighty feet, a true warrior despite never having been made to be one. Alas, as most would know, they were unsuccessful in their revolution. Remriel was struck down by none ither than Archangel Gabriel, flaming arrows speared through his chest as he fell from grace. The feathers of his great white wings darkened ti blackened ash, dropping from him like poisoned flies as he fell into a deep pit of darkness.

When Remriel finally awoke, he knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what. In fact, Remriel didn't know....anything, really. He did not remember his name, did not know where he was, where he had come from, or what he was supposed to be doing. He was wearing an odd grey robe with a pale blue sash, which seemed to be stained with something gold in the chest, small holes ripped through it. He could feel pain in his back, where raised bumps of what seemed to be horrific scars littered his back. He was human, but he didn't know. After trudging around for god knows how long, he was discovered by a man who seemed confused when he found Remriel, asking his name but receiving no answer. The man took him in, fed him, clothed him, took care of him. He tried to ask questions, but Remriel did not have the answers. Eventually, the man began to call Remriel by a new name, one he hadn't heard before. Casper. And so, Remriel the angel became Casper the human. Eventually, the man took Casper back to a kingdom to see if he was perhaps a lost knight, the scars upon his skin alluding him to an incorrect assumption.







Height 6'5

Build Lean

Eyes Icy blue

Skin Tone Lightly tanned

Hair Color Skunk

Hair Style Unique spiked

Aesthetic Red suit man










Teleportation He himself can teleport to anywhere that he has been before, and places he hasn't, but he doesn't want to risk teleporting himself inside a wall or underground. He can also teleport other individuals and objects.

Party trick B) With his age, comes a host of party tricks. He learnt many instruments and little nuances to many things over the years, which come out when he has the chance to entertain a crowd.

Immortality Although unsure of what his actual origins are, Casper knows he can't die. At all.


All in all, Casper is a friendly guy. He doesn't tend to judge based on looks, knowing he's got no right to, considering he's got one eye and exudes a weird feeling. He is annoying and persistent, and although his voice is pleasant to hear, despite his tendency to smoke several cigars a day, he can be a nuisance. Overall, he's a good guy, all he really wants is someone who's willing to cuddle him on the couch while he cries about The Lion King, which he found in his husband and son.


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Casper, unsurprisingly, is pretty damn depressed. Living for a long time, watching everyone around you die or leave? Yeah, it has the tendency to wear on someone's mental health. All Casper needs is a little TLC.He was born in the year 1324. After he died in combat, he was reincarnated as an entity. He has attempted suicide before. He swallowed an entire bottle of pills, washed them down with whiskey, and sat in his bathtub for six hours until he passed out, but that only made him have an awful headache, and throw up repeatedly for the next few days. He's given up since then.


Despite having already died once already, it doesn't prevent Casper from getting injured. His healing may be faster than that of the average human, but not by much at all. If a human broke an arm, it would take around 4-5 weeks to be fully healed. Whereas if he broke his arm, it would only take about 3-4 weeks. He tends to be lackluster in his own needs, as he still does need sleep, but will only go if he is dragged by his husband.

  • Casper uses his cane on the wrong side, and it causes his arm to sometimes ache.
  • His leg hurts incessantly, no pain killers can help it. He has gotten used to it over the years.
  • He smokes. A lot. He aqcuiesced his husband's request to not do it in the house, but he will still do it outside.
  • Casper requires the cane to stand, and cannot support his own weight without it.
  • He is EXTREMELY protective and will beat a man to death with his bare hands if he touched a member of his family.

Finnegan PrinceHusband
Casper's archangel boyfriend, whom he adopted a son with.


Character Namerelationship
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Character Namerelationship
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.

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