Ji-woo Han



5 years, 4 months ago


Ji-woo Han

Age 32
Height 5'8"
Gender Male
Eyes Dark Brown
Hair Black
Body Lean/Average
Birthday April 10th
Zodiac Aries
Occupation CEO of his own tech company
Orientation ???
Magic Item Handgun
Greatest Desire To be acknowledged
Color Blue


Ji-woo is a stern, straight-laced type of guy. His outer two emotions are either angry or nothing at all; he's the type to conceal his real emotions because other than not wanting people to figure them out, he sees it unnecessary to express them aside from certain situations. He's a very ambitious guy and would stop at nothing to have his plans come to fruitition, and this is a trait that his workers really respect of him. One thing for sure is that he likes being praised and being known for his efforts and successes. Ji-woo has always been a hard worker and he loves it when it all pays off.


Design Notes
  • His eye shape are a monolid type
  • Wears glasses; rims on top only (sides and bottom rimless), thin top rim, dark blue/black color
  • Prefers navy blue or gray suits
  • He has sharp features (cheekbones and jawline, piercing glare in his eyes, far ends of eyebrows pointed)/li>

info in spoiler for now til i write it better


  • Parents (biological) (current); however Ji-woo has cut off ties to them
  • Brother (bio., older) currently deceased. His name was Ji-hun.


  • Ji-woo had a seemingly normal childhood in the eyes of others. He had two parents and an older brother named Ji-hun. 
  • To Ji-woo it seems like the majority of his life was lived in isolation
  • His parents seemed to put a lot of pride and effort into his older brother
  • They hoped Ji-hun would be extremely successful in adulthood and since he was the first born, he had a lot of high expectations to fill
  • However this meant Ji-woo was often ignored in favor of his brother. This could mean that he gets a lot of alone time and the chance to do whatever he wanted
  • But Ji-woo wasn't that type of kid; he wanted to be seen too. 
  • He strived to be top in his classes, and did a lot of extra work. Not only did it make him look smart, he was the kind to made sure he understood what he was learning and not studying just for show. 
  • However no matter how hard he tried he seemed to just be cast aside anyway, or if he were seen, he was given just a good job and nothing more
  • Ji-woo started to feel jealous of his older brother since he was getting all the attention. Though he knew why his parents wanted his bro to succeed, he wanted to have the same chance in succeeding too
  • So his parents owned a business and since Ji-hun was older they hoped he would inherit it
  • However Ji-hun was less interested in business and more interested in arts,  specifically photography. He tended to keep that hobby for himself though and just did what his parents expected of him for a long as he could.  Due to this though he gets overwhelmed easily and often contemplated why it has to be him to succeed the business. 
  • Anyway Ji-woo tended to act hostile towards his bro , Or at least act as unemotional as he could appear to be. He usually would ignore him or mind his own business as much as he could
  • Internally though he can't help but still be conscious of his presence and sometimes wished he would go away. 
  • He especially didn't like it when his bro would complain about his position and why he had to go through all this work. Ji-woo thought he (himself) had a better work ethic and more of an ambition for hard work and since it comes to him naturally in a sense he can't seem to understand why this “common sense” doesn't happen as much in anyone else. 
  • One day Ji-woo got so fed up with hearing his brother’s complaints that he lashed out at him and said many hurtful things to him
  • His brother couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and felt really bad. But when he tried to explain his side of the situation, Ji-woo just refused to listen, calling them excuses.
  • Eventually their argument got so heated that Ji-woo wished his brother was dead. It got eerily silent after that, with his brother stunned after hearing such a statement, and Ji-woo trying to calm himself down and getting back to whatever he was working on.
  • Since then, Ji-woo’s relationship with his bro has become very strained, where Ji-woo wouldn't even want to look at him. He didn’t notice the tiredness that was increasingly getting worse on his face.
  • Ji-woo only began to absorb himself in whatever task or assignment he did or gave himself to do. Keeping himself busy made him feel content, no matter what it was he was doing.
  • It wasn’t long after when Ji-woo found the unconscious body of his brother in their room. He just stared at him and can’t help but think that it looks like he was sleeping. Then one of the parents came by to see where their boys were up to and then saw the body. Both parents freaked out over it and called for help.
  • However he was already confirmed dead .
  • While his parents sobbed, Ji- woo didn’t know what to feel; it just looked as if his bro was sleeping, but he isn’t actually there anymore… it was a hard thing to think about. He can only stare at the body while contemplating.
  • Ever since then it was as if everything in the house felt distanced from each other and each thing. 
  • The parents did acknowledge Ji-woo more but not in the way he had hoped; it was more of a way that they exist at the same time kind of thing
  • Not that they were completely distant at all; they didn’t push their business onto Ji-woo, maybe in fear of the same thing happening to him
  • Ji-woo was disappointed though, since that’s what he wanted. Even when inting at it, the parents refused or wanted  to ignore it
  • After a while Ji-woo gave up on that and vowed to himself he’ll become a successful businessman, more successful than his parents, and he wouldn’t care what would happen to them anymore once that happens
  • Ji-woo went on to study tech more in depth and created the prototypes of his machine, and with each further model and update, it started to look like the tech he is currently putting out. 
  • As he grew older and became more independent, he got his own place and started afresh with the creation of his business and new life, leaving behind his past and the people involved with it.
  • When he works hard on a project he likes to take over almost all the parts and complete it on his own
  • Related to above but he also likes to claim ownership of said parts of the project; needless to say he isn’t the best at teamwork.




Magic Notes
  • Magic Item - Handgun
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  • His Greatest Desire:
    • Or specifically, he wants this recognition from his parents most of all, but he'd never admit it.
    • When younger, the parents pushed most of the ambition on the older brother, giving him more attention and help, and criticisms as well. This led to Ji-woo being ignored most of the time
    • He wants people to realize that he is a hard worker in what he does and wants to be known for said efforts. No longer does he want or wish to be cast aside just because he's younger

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