King Henri



5 years, 3 months ago


【 Name 】 Henri Newton Luther McKinley 【 Called 】 Hen, His Majesty
【 Age 】 30 【 D.o.B. 】 Dec 30th
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Orientation 】 Pansexual
【 Height 】 4'11 【 Build 】 Wirey
【 Origin 】 Royal 【 Ethnicity 】 Samarian
【 Role 】King 【 Alignment 】 Tyrant
【 Status 】 Single 【 Theme 】 link a song

Henri was born on December 30th to the Samarian Royal family.

Henri was raised in a posh enviorment. Spoiled rotten to the core and had everything he ever desired growing up. He never had any type of sibling rivalry growing up due to being an only child, so everything was handed to him on a silver platter topped with jewels. He was raised by many artistocratic nannys, his father and mother never really around, too busy ruling a kingdom to really raise a child. The older he got the more nasty and cruel he became towards those of a lower status. He was never repremanded for these behaiviors, so he remained a little devil towards the castle staff and even his caretakers. When Henri turned fifteen, his mother passed away and his father began teaching him the ropes on ruling a kingdom. Over the course of three years, he took eliquite lessons with foreign nobility and had private lessons with his father away from outside contact. When he was 18, he grew distant with his father and constantly fought with the king, until one day he suddenly had a change of heart and they were seen having a pleasent conversation outside the castle. The next morning, his father mysteriously vanished and was found dead outside in a frozen lake outside the castle. Even though all evidence points to Henri being his father's murderer, nobody dared accuse the new king of the crime. For accusing royalty of anything was deemed punishable by death.

Henri became a tyranical ruler. He flung the nation into full isolation, no longer allowing any outside royals to trade with the kingdom. He raised all taxes on the poor, and lowered income rates as well. Most nobles never pay taxes as long as they kiss his butt at his lavish parties once per month. He wants to one day look for a wife or a husband to rule with, but only the prettiest/most handsome will do. ANd they can't be too feisty or speak their mind, they have to agree with everything else they be put to death. all in all, Henri is a total jerk.

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