Iro's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

demonfvcker Global Rules
• The first time you draw the character and post on any site (aside from toyhouse), please credit me for designing! it's not necessary any time after that but if you want to feel free. • If you plan to resell the character, please do not sell it for more than you bought it for unless you have purchased extra art. Gift art does NOT count towards the resell price. • If you have been traded a character designed by me, you are NOT permitted to resell it. You may only resell it if you have purchased art for it. • Trading my designs is okay, so long as you tell me who you're trading to. • Please feel free to change the design up a bit, but please keep it recognizable. • DO NOT REFERENCE OR USE MY DESIGNS AS INSPIRATION • Co-owning is fine if both parties are in agreement. please don't drag me into your disputes. • You may use the characters for whatever you please. roleplays, stories, drawings etc. • Please ALWAYS keep my username in the designer/creator credit, regardless of if you redesign them