
5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Draven Ashur
Gender Male
Age 19
Ethnicity unknown
Occupation Prince/Royalty
Sexuality Unknown
✦ About

Draven is normally a pretty calm, almost reserved type of person. He is much more animated around close friends, and even some members of his family. But he also knows how to keep a strong and stoic outward appearance. It's rare that he actually gives a real smile when out in public, as to keep up good appearances with the current company. He much prefers walks outside and not being cooped up if he has a choice.

Under all the hardened facade he keeps, he's really a sweetheart. It takes a bit to crack through it all but once you do, it's alot easier to get him to smile. It makes it easier for him to walk out among those in the kingdom and town square, and some don't even realize it's him. He tries to keep things in order as much as he can, but there are times when he is forced to admit that there are things he cannot change. Those are the times it is best to avoid him. It is clear to those who see him that he is boiling in his own annoyance and anger and is destined to explode at some point in time.

✦ Appearance

A soft but calculating look on his face is seen almost all of the time. He tends to dress primarily in shades of blue or purple, feeling as though it compliments him the most. His stare is the most powerful part of his appearance, striking somewhat of a cold fear into anyone he may glare at. He keeps his hair close to his head, albeit a little longer than most. The markings on his skin are as icy white as his eyes. They trail over his left ribs, back, left arm and neck.

✦ Likes
Taking walks in the cool, crisp morning air
Watching the snow fall through any window in his home.
bright, but not warm light
✦ Dislikes
being disturbed when he is intently concentrating on something
being forced into situations he has no control over
✦ Details
✦ Backstory

Sed rutrum purus sit amet malesuada ornare. Mauris bibendum consectetur diam sit amet hendrerit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec luctus et neque quis consequat. Maecenas rutrum neque purus, at molestie nisl finibus eget. Sed ac ullamcorper eros, suscipit tristique diam. Curabitur id ultricies lorem. Proin semper faucibus mauris, ac ultrices diam venenatis at. Nam iaculis cursus purus id auctor. Vestibulum pellentesque auctor eros, sed aliquet erat. Morbi non eros at metus lobortis tincidunt.

Quisque ut dolor dapibus, gravida eros ut, tempor libero. Sed rutrum vehicula nunc, quis vehicula justo pretium non. Sed et ultrices leo. Suspendisse felis nibh, sodales sed consequat ut, consectetur id leo. Phasellus suscipit porta libero ac mattis. Praesent in dolor sed dolor iaculis imperdiet laoreet vel enim. Aenean vel quam tempus, bibendum leo id, consequat lectus. Nam condimentum metus vitae facilisis pharetra.

Fusce consequat tellus sed justo feugiat faucibus. Aliquam a convallis nulla. Etiam lacinia dolor felis, ut semper orci ullamcorper vel. Cras sed finibus risus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Fusce ac sapien at ex fermentum maximus. In mollis laoreet luctus. Duis vel elit ac mi aliquam vulputate. Vivamus varius volutpat urna at sollicitudin. Nullam aliquam neque nec tristique scelerisque.

✦ Relationships
Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Name Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.
Name Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.
✦ Trivia
● Draven can't stand being dragged into a situation and then having no say in it. It's like putting a child into a playpen and ensuring they have no way out. He just gets really cranky
● He is actually very patient with most things. Unless it has something to do with his abilities. If they take too much time to work, he gets frustrated.
● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.

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