Amandine Fleauflox



8 years, 1 month ago


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amandine fleauflox

nb male • 27 • MBTI

"With all due respect..."

  • nickname Andie
  • alignment LN -> NG
  • birthplace Toritorka
  • role Party member
  • BIRTHDAY/SIGN April 12th (Aries)
  • RACE Human, Black
  • CLASS Witch
  • OCCUPATION Advisor
  • ARCHETYPE Unknown
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • VOICE Unknown
  • THEME Playing a Magic Waltz
  • Orderliness
  • Dolls
  • Old books
  • Chilly weather
  • Pillow talk
  • Secrets he isn't privy to
  • Messes
  • Pollen
  • Rudeness
  • Being challenged

Insert your character's profile here. This box will scroll.

Phasellus iaculis sit amet enim in rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut egestas pulvinar leo id rutrum. Praesent lacus justo, elementum a eros sed, ultrices posuere neque. Sed dignissim vehicula vulputate. Nullam lobortis iaculis gravida. Ut mattis ex faucibus elit pretium, et vestibulum purus vestibulum. Aliquam vitae augue sodales, pretium erat quis, interdum turpis. Mauris id dolor mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;


Describe your character's personality here.

Etiam commodo lorem nec molestie placerat. Ut vestibulum felis dui, quis facilisis nunc dignissim eget. Nunc tincidunt tristique ligula. Pellentesque libero diam, dapibus posuere commodo non, pulvinar sed purus. Aenean mattis nulla sit amet ante consectetur volutpat. Morbi tempus nisl ut magna aliquet, a efficitur enim convallis. Pellentesque dapibus cursus quam eget suscipit. Aenean ac volutpat sem, non auctor quam. Etiam pharetra nisl at orci aliquet semper. Curabitur ultricies cursus congue. Nullam eu hendrerit nisi, luctus efficitur dolor. Nullam malesuada imperdiet sagittis. Duis eget libero molestie, faucibus libero et, varius erat. Nullam pharetra ut ligula mattis congue.


Andie is part of the new generation of witches who seek to complete highly dangerous trials to prove their worth as mages, much younger than previous generations have. [wip].


Andie was Desiderius' closest friend and ally during the most difficult time of his life. He bore the rumors and false stories from those at court who thought Desi a spoiled fop, when the truth was that he was being horrifically abused by his guards. [wip]



  • Sewing
  • Reading
  • Gossipping
  • Singing
  • Painting
  • Nail-biting
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Blushing when flustered
  • Being closed-off
  • Feeling overresponsible for others
  • Magic
  • People smarts
  • Eloquence
  • Diplomacy
  • Patience
  • Strictness
  • Emotional constipation
  • A tendency to overwork
  • Inability to let loose
  • Shame complex
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • FOOD Baked potatoes
  • COLOUR Purple
  • ANIMAL Cats
  • HOLIDAY [Insert winter holiday]
  • SEASON Winter
  • TIME OF DAY Morning
  • GENRE Mystery










  • "How could I say 'no' to a face like yours?"
  • "My king... What haven't you been telling me...?!"
  • "You said it, not me."
  • "I take no responsibility for your antics."
  • "... Come closer. Let me help."
  • "Quite the pair we are, aren't we?"
  • His name used to be Annabelle! I wanted something more special and specific for him.
  • In nec dui ut mauris bibendum facilisis. Cras sed euismod libero. Praesent tincidunt ut quam vulputate rutrum. Mauris gravida justo quis felis vestibulum, non facilisis neque euismod.
  • Mauris ut elit et nunc vestibulum tempor. Sed odio nisi, suscipit fringilla mi eu, scelerisque pellentesque eros.
  • Proin varius, nulla non condimentum luctus, quam nisi blandit tortor, vitae porttitor tellus ante at ligula. Suspendisse sagittis sapien eget lacus luctus sodales.

Andie and Desiderius are inseparable through thick and thin, they are the best friends and the greatest allies, working seamlessly as a team - often knowing what the other is thinking before they even say it! Don't be fooled - no matter what they say, their primary loyalty is to each other... Maybe, sometimes in a negative way. Are they lovers? Haha, not even they know!


friend, crush?

Andie is a little stuffy and trapped inside his own shell, but Nageki inspires him to be a little more fun and easygoing, usually without even trying - she always seems able to make him smile! They confide in each other a lot, and relate to each other as "leaders" of the group who don't feel entirely ready for all their responsibility, but step up to take care of business anyway... He seems to like her a lot, but be unsure how to show it.



... Listen, this is just between you and I - Andie usually tends to keep his deepest feelings and thoughts close to his chest. But he thinks that Arcane should shut his manipulative, lying mouth when speaking about people and things he doesn't understand. Why is that witch always speaking like an expert, despite not knowing a thing? Andie can't stand it.