Polina's Comments

Hey hey! It's Polina! I've been watching her from afar for a while; actually, I remember when you first received her, and following her development as a character has been super interesting!

My favourite thing about her? How real she feels. She is far from being innocent and perfect, but she isn't malevolent or wicked either! It's interesting how she doesn't regret the choices she has made in life, as most the characters I've seen around are aware of their additions and wish they could get over them. I wonder if, in Polina's case, it's because of peer pressure? Or maybe her stubbornness blinds her? In any case, that's an interesting route you've taken, and it participates in making her feel like more like a teenager than an adult. 

Her relationship with Tanya (another character of yours I adore), is also fascinating, especially since its beginning is not as wholesome as you would expect: yes Tanya protected Polina from bullying, but not out of pure altruism, which makes sense given her character. And the fact the whole situation resolved when they were drunk is also very original but not out of place either! They current relationship seem very fun, it's nice to see things got better in the end! The fact Tanya is annoyed by Polina's talks about communism also add spice to the relationship and helps grounding it into reality. 

Overall, Polina is a super cool character and I always love seeing more of her! Her design is also great, her hair stands out a lot!! 

AAAAAA DEAR I'M LITERALLY CRYING RN, YOU ARE TOO KIND TWT Like, seriously, your comments are always so heartwarming, thanks so so much!!! 

I'm so happy you like Polina and Tanya so much! Tbh they are ones I adore the most f all my characters, maybe because they remind me of my school days ahah(omg im talking like i graduated 10 years or something xddd)

And answering your question, I'm not sure myself xd It's more like both things together, like she may get pretty stubborn sometimes, and her surrounding doesn't consist of the best people, so yeah, their influence plays a huge role too~  

Thanks again for your nice comment, and have a wonderful day~!! <333

You're very welcome!! And ooh I see! Maybe the fact they were influenced by your school days is the reason why they feel so real :D And thanks for answering my question! Yeah, it makes sense that it would be a mix of the two!