


Basic Info

Real Name

Viola Hawke






Poly Bisexual




Viola Hawke, Alias Raven, is an aspiring but already rather renowned bounty hunter who's getting a bit ahead of herself due to all the praise and impressed feedback she keeps getting for her various low-level execution missions so far. When a mission led her to the Parity territory, which she had little knowledge of, she assumed it'd be yet again an easy task. Go in, find her target, pick a good opportunity to infiltrate her quarters and go for a clean kill. She intended to be out of town before anyone were to find out. 

Of course, the target, who was none other than Void, would disagree and had more than enough means to get her will.

After finding Void's residence seemingly empty, she was ambushed and found herself down on the floor with a mark of the void and a firm grip on her neck. It'd be an easy kill but the Binary Guardian was naturally highly interested in the ongoing scenario and decided to interfere - Viola is certain the guardian was physically present at the time but it enhanced the Mark to keep her blind for the time being. However, the Guardian clearly expressed fondness for her, and didn't want to see "two wonderful girls like this fight for unnecessary reasons". Convinced into freely acting a temporarily captive by the sheer persuasive power of Void's tar, the Guardian spent the time offering Viola an unofficial alliance status with the cult in trade for that she doesn't get herself killed pursuing further assassination attempts. Well knowing she was the inferior part, she did not hesitate to agree.

After spending some time recovering and being around Void in a less murderous atmosphere, the two... Connected though various mutual interests. Being pretty and strong, admiring people's fear when their lives are out of their hands, and the likes. Things followed one another and now they're quite thoroughly together. A lot of people assume Raven to be an Elite at this point, and the blinding did happen to leave a more permanent discoloration on her eyes. The Guardian thought it'd suit her style and she really doesn't disagree - It does wonders for being perceived as an Elite as well.Â