Perrie Thorne



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Female (She/Her)


15 years old


February 27th


Human: 5'4" | Bear: 6'4"


Human: 180 lbs | Bear: 470 lbs


Asexual / Quoiromantic



Bearserker Mode (Transformation): She can shift into a full polar bear. She can also shift parts of herself, but that takes a lot of concentration and she needs to train more for it to be viable for combat. She gains all the abilities of a polar bear when shifted. As a human she has some of these abilities, like heightened hearing and cold resistance. Her full form can only be held for ~1-2 hours at full output, after which she becomes very tired. She will also shift sometimes when startled (can be a full or partial shift). She is able to speak while fully shifted.

Her quirk manifested when she was four. Her parents heard things falling, so they rushed to where she was only to find a small polar bear cub wearing her clothes. She shifted back when she finally calmed down, but she doesn’t remember any of it. She only knows from stories her parents have told. Her quirk is a mix of her mom’s ability to shift her appendages based on the last mammal fur she’s touched and her dad’s quirk of gaining a power boost for short time.

Extra Info

Hero Name: Ursa Major
Other Skills: 3d artist, puzzle solver, baker, and climber
Likes: Puns, hard candy, puzzles, and winter
Dislikes: Rom-coms, bitter foods, cardio exercise, and humidity
Strengths: Science, math, lifting heavy things, and swimming
Weaknesses: Fighting techniques, kanji, history, and humanities (classes)
Fears: Heights when not secure, horror movies, complete isolation, and getting yelled at
Voice Claim: JP: Mai Aizawa [Voice Reel] ENG: Barrett Wilbert Weed [Random Interview]


Around Strangers:

  • Perrie keeps to herself, doesn’t talk, avoids eye contact, and avoids physical contact
  • Will offer to help if she sees someone that she thinks really needs it
Around Acquaintances:
  • When Perrie talks she ends up rambling because she’s nervous around people she wants to be friends with, she also tries to remember things that are important to them like favorite foods or shows
Around Friends:
  • Perrie talks a lot, she becomes a lot more relaxed in her speech and she’ll open up to you (people say she’s like a whole different person)
  • Feels comfortable to do goofy things(peace signs, thumbs ups, salutes, dabs, shoulder shimmies, silly faces, etc.) even in public because she doesn’t feel judged by friends
  • Way more comfortable with physical contact (hugs, face touches, leaning against, etc.) and will usually initiate it if she knows the other is fine with it as well
In General:
  • Perrie mostly keeps to herself when she isn’t around people she knows but she’ll help strangers if she sees they need it
  • Perrie’s extremely loyal to her friends and really good at keeping secrets. She loves to help her friends and make them happy
  • Perrie is a science/math person and enjoys those subjects because new things are always being discovered. She also likes that math and science are constant across all languages
  • Perrie gives people the benefit of the doubt and is usually the person to try and work things out if tensions arise between people
  • Perrie keeps a ton of things in her backpack in case a situation arises where it’s needed [backpack plus contents]
  • Perrie’s the mom friend of any given group, the voice of reason when things start to get out of hand. But she isn’t a total buzz kill, it’s more in cases of safety/legal reasons
  • Perrie seems like the type of person to not curse, but you’d be surprised. She won’t curse around adults or teachers though
  • Doesn’t have much empathy, but she does have a lot of sympathy and compassion. She does her best to help those in need
  • Perrie doesn’t like confrontation, so even if someone is mean to her she normally won’t do anything about it. She cries when frustrated and mad so that also leads to her not standing up for herself. She also cries when yelled at even if she knows she’s done nothing wrong
  • Perrie expresses most of her emotions and reactions with facial expressions/motions and unintelligible sounds rather than using actual words (examples X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X)