


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Amelia
Gender: cis girl (she/her)
Age: teenager
Orientation: lesbian

Personality: Amelia is very timid and easily startled. She gets anxious when she has to talk and often stutters, even when she knows the one she’s talking to. When the Mothcat has to go anywhere she usually flies there, as it’s the best way to avoid other cats. Her favorite thing to do is reading, she even has her own book in which she collects pressed flowers and poems she writes.

Design notes:
-very lanky 

Charlie: her cousin, she enjoys accompanying him on his adventures

Hotaru: he helps her calm down if she's feeling particularly anxious, and they often spend time together just doing their own thing without talking

Toffee: Amelia presses flowers for her, often Toffee gives her some to keep for her own collection too

-lo-fi and instrumental music-loud noises
-soft, fluffy things (pillows, blankets, plushies, etc.)-thunderstorms, fireworks
-poetry (reading it as well as writing poems herself)-large groups of people
-pretty flowers-small-talk
-old books (she only reads them with gloves on and won't allow anyone else to touch them)-others reading her poems
-tea (her favourite is chamomile)-scary movies
-alone-time-heat (she still likes the summertime bc of all of the flowers that grow during it, but she would very much prefer it to be less hot)
-rain-the dark
-spicy food-spiders
-travelling, but only when she's accompanied by her cousin Charlie-Charlie being gone for long periods of time
-birdwatching (she loves telling Charlie about all the different kinds of birds she sees)