


Basic Info

Full Name ||

Helewys Voce Wesales

Age ||


Gender ||


Height ||

5'9" / 175 cm


"Yes, but would you stake your life on that claim?"
The calm and collected eldest child of the royal family of Wesales, and current heir to the throne. Helewys is seen by her court and subjects as something of an ethereal figure, ever poised, eternally elegant. She is quick of wit and sharp in observation, and has a way with words unparalleled within the kingdom. Many have sought her hand in courtship, whether dazzled by her looks or simply wishing to curry her favour, that they might rise to power at her side.
Yet, Helewys is a very choosy figure. She keeps her nose forward, and her desires guarded. To keep the people wondering is to keep their interest, she believes, and with that attention on her she can maintain their respect. But, for what intent she wishes to maintain that respect remains a mystery.
She is very close to her younger brother, Reimfred, who has remained diligently at her side since the days of their youth. In recent years some distance has grown between them by circumstance, but should Reimfred ever need for anything, Helewys would be at his side in an instant, as she knows that he would do for her. Many wonder at the balance of power between the two, and now and then the gossip-mongers will posit that the ambitious Prince aims to overthrow his sibling en route to the throne. Yet, nothing could be farther from the truth. The two of them are thick as thieves, and there is little in the world that will change that.
...Now, if you have no further business with the Princess, I'm afraid that you must leave. Eyes that only wish to gawk and pry are not welcome in the Princess's court.
