


5 years, 2 months ago


Name Bahari
Gender Male
Age Adult
Birth Veilara
Titles/Aliases Razorbill, Captain
Orientation Prefers Femininity

I've seen so many ships sail in just to head back out again and go off sinking

Stallion Appearing

In feral form, takes on that of an antlered stallion. Most specifically similar to that of a Percheron.
Fur Colour

Dark roaned, his pelt almost mimics that of the dark sea he loves so much. There is little grand in his colouring, nothing bright or eyecatching to most anyone else.
Body Shape

Built for pure strength. Has little endurance because of it, and works better at fighting while in one spot. Muscled, despite the thickness. Packs a mean kick with powerful legs, and a rear with that of powerful shoulders.

Brown eyes, before his sight was taken from one that has no clouded over.

One eye is clearly illformed. Having it be attempted by physical removal, it is so badly injured that it has no sight in it. Scars run down the length of it, a show of its trauma that it has since outwardly healed from. Scars litter his body, each one holds reasoning that he has inflicted upon himself. Cathartic

Honest . Loyal . Ambitious

A man of brutal honesty, Bahari would much rather give hurtful and hard truths, getting them in return, than attempting to lessen blows with lies of deceipt.

He is unnecessarily loyal until he is no more. Loyalty is earned before it is ever given, as he expects the same from himself to another. Would run guns blazing into a fire to aid someone who has managed to earn his loyalty, asking questions only afterwards.

A driven man. Has been ambitious since he was a boy and has since lived his entire living building for something more than everything he has at the time. Raised himself for a long time, and earned everything he has gotten with back breaking hard work.

Distrustful . Violent . Selfish

Genuinely trusts few, perhaps even closer to none. Bahari has had a life of people coming and going, betraying him, stealing and cheating. He trusts none, but keeps others close enough to better his sights on them. Sooner believe he is being lied to than given honesty. Finds lying to be an offense to his intelligence.

Violent capabilities, knows nothing else from his upbringing and career. Sometimes too violent and too vinditice with a too hair trigger temper. Anger and violence is the one consistency he has had since childhood. Treasures it unhealthily.

A selfish man. Bahari shares little, and gives little of himself to anyone else. Despite his multitude of riches, he will without thought walk past someone on the brink of death from starvation and think little of it. Believes if he was able to work his way up to survival, that anyone can. Does not pity anyone who has hardships and find their way into his life for his own benefit.

Finds feelings of any romantic type repulsive. A tightening at his gut and nausea are consistent and usual first sign symptoms. Anything can trigger it. Either being too dependent on someones companionship, a feeling of jealousy, even just a simple act of enjoying anothers company so much he is driven to seek it out. Intimacy is the same. Forces a belief any sexual encounter is loose and no strings attached. Has not had the same sexual partner for more than a few times in over a decade. Along with repulse, finds himself easily enraged by the feelings, which he usually takes out on himself or, subtly, the individual who evokes them.


The man

Having to primarily raise himself from a young boy, Bahari has known nothing else but hard life on the street. Begged, and did petty theft and work for men who were far too high and stubborn to do it themselves. Lived to survive, and worked the same way.

As an older child, and coming into his teen years, he was taken in by a Captain who put him on deck to work on his ship. Remained loyal to him for over a decade until the Captain passed away and the entire crew dismantled. Lived on the street again for a while, his crimes growing from petty ones to more serious ones. Married a woman and had a son, both who died from sickness within a week of each other while he was gone for a month. Knew nothing of it until his return. Left Main and ventured elsewhere.

After 5 years or so of working for different people, earned enough to get his own ship. Worked hard and constantly with the little crew he had, making a name for himself and rising in infamy until he settled in Veilara as the primary trade ship. When new crews started to rise up, built his name more brutally until he was again on the top and most feared. Now mainly travels the sea with little opposition and competition. Leases out himself, his ship, and his crew to islands needing protection, or the wealthy wanting to take forcible ownership of one.

enjoyments & disinterest

  • Food
  • The sea
  • Sailing
  • Night/Dark
  • Hard alcohol

  • Lies
  • Pity
  • Weakness
  • Sleeping
  • Children

A lot has happened...

With Marie's health declining, helped, along with others, to expel her spawn. The boy only lived for a few days before it succumed to infection not visible to the eye. Got assistance in keeping the body in pristine condition to continue his black mailing, which was a success. With Marie in a coma since the forced birth, she too succumbed ultimately, and with Hala needing to return to her own life, was left alone with two corpses he had no idea what to do with as the letters kept coming, even after he had not returned a few. Took pictures and hired an artist to draw the dead newborn, who Bahari lied was simply sleeping (the spell had made it pretty easy to believe). The last letter sent was photos, the drawing, a signed letter from the artist as to their eyewitness of the newborns existence. Came to a deal with the governor for immunity and a large payment. Was given half upfront with the promise of the rest given upon exchange of the prisoners.

When it came time to trade and return Marie and the newborn, Bahari spent the day disposing of the womans body in shark waters. As for the newborn, he paid greatly for a handover with a stranger who swore not to uncover the boys face. Remained at a far distance of where the exchange would take place. Miles and miles away. Could only imagine the rage when the Governors men arrived to find Marie's body not with the newborns, and upon the lifting of sheet to find the corpse and its rot as the magic had worn off.

For weeks he isolated himself within the cave he hides his prized possessions, only visiting with Hala as she dropped off food brought at Veilara's main town that was much too far for him to walk. It would take days, and he knows the guardsmen would be looking for him. Pressured and ultimatley forced the Rousette to inform him of the happenings that she has at least seen. Told of the price for his head, and how the payout was much higher if one were to bring him in alive so the Governor himself could take the Captain's head. Spent the weeks paranoid and hidden before venturing out to reunite with his most loyal crew. Set off to Sea where they would remain until a more solid plan was concocted.


After near two weeks of stress that he would not be responded to, finally had a letter received from the Governor, the husband of the Captain's captive. With the letter's threatening tone, spent the next couple of days contemplating about exactly what part of the woman he would sent back with threats of his own. Cut off another small lock of her yellow hair, but after another day of thought, knew it would not be enough to be taken seriously yet again. Inspected her body closely for any identifying marks, and came upon a small oddly shaped birthmark at her waist, just at her ribs. Forcefully cut it and the skin to put in the letter. Gave her a clean rag to bite down on after he had finally talked her into it. Though with the threat of it being done with her conscious or not, it was safe to say her preference. Ignored the way he felt her unborn kick at certain times he was near her midsection.

The letter was sent that evening, and the Thief would spend the next week in paranoid turmoil about its arrival and how it would be taken. 3 days following the week mark, returned alone to Veilara for supplies that he did not trust anyone else with. Drunk himself to stupor and somehow managed to get himself back to the Island, where Marie was waiting. A foolish move normally, allowing himself to be so open and vulnerable with a prisoner, but instead she took to taking care of him until the following day, when he would wake with a much more sober and clearer mind. Allowed the care to continue until his mind was easily torn at the arrival of a responded letter. Had his worries eased somewhat at the contents of this one, and a much easier time to return a new letter highlighting his requirements and demands. Allowed even the help from his captive who suggested other things. Brought that up later in the night, over their candle dinner of fresh caught fish and new vegetable shoots that Marie had started tending to. Learned of information that threw a wrench into everything he had planned and was planning. However, with his next letter already sent off, all he could do was wait yet again.

The next letter came much quicker than all the rest, but it was the one that enraged the Thief the most. Found himself doing little more than taking it out on Marie, threatening her that he would cut her child from her stomach and send a limb with each letter if her husband did not stop being so fucking difficult. Managed to be talked from the ledge with time, but the next letter Bahari sent was far from the aticulate attempt he had all his previous ones. Now, sitting to wait for a response, but readying for other plans should it remain going nowhere.

code by jiko | front image by JoKa | moodboard images from pinterest