


5 years, 2 months ago


Name Sicar
Age Unknown. Around 150.
Height 6'3"
Gender Male
Species Ferragon
Orient. Asexual
♫ Playlist Spotify
Worth 1100USD

Like the rest of his species, the only real sign of his age is the slight desaturation and receding of his markings.

  • His fur turns lighter in the colder seasons of his planet.
  • His bones are dark silver.

Sicar has survived the competitive environment of their world with a sharp mind and charisma. Notorious in the underground city of Sanctum for his eccentricity and imposing laboratory built into the side of an endlessly deep chasm, where he conducts his breakthroughs in peace with his secretive assistants. Sicar is arrogant, considering himself above the petty squabbles of the clans and tribes outside the walls of Sanctum. He will try to talk before resorting to violence.

His strength and downfall is his worship of objectivity. Sicar is very literal and his intelligence gets in the way of his ability to solve problems that seem simple to others due to his habit of overthinking. He fails to understand emotional arguments and he considers them erroneous but this is moreso from his attempts to repress his own emotions in fear of experiencing the hurt from his past again.


Sicar is one of the first Ferragon to help settle a large post-searing city on their homeplanet, an inhospitable desert world with a lush subterranean ecosystem. Helping to found the Council of the First, he is head of scientific research and development with the intention of the council being to eventually stop all civil war on the planet and unify their species. The council of the First manages all contact with extra-terrestrial life and hoards all knowledge received from visitations. Sicar is responsible as well for the scientific nomenclature of his own species as well as many on the planet. In fact, many think he named their species 'Sicarius Ferox' after himself, but it may be the other way around.

Years ago, using the research they'd made together, Sicar and his mate were on the verge of fully mapping the complete genetic sequence of their species and finally realize Sicar's dream of creating the first fully lab-created Ferragon. A project that they'd worked on for nearly 20 cycles. One night, his partner cracked it, only to decide he was leaving and taking his research to another city-state to sell it to the highest bidder- all without Sicar, whom he suddenly treated with distrust. Seeing red, Sicar destroyed their prototypes, research, and laboratory in his rage.

Believing he killed his partner and most of the staff, he attempted to take his own life in his agony, only to wake up days later presided over by his surviving creations.


Sicar struggles with showing affection and suffers from eccentric paranoia.

He usually places his romantic interests on pedestals. Self-aware, he avoids falling in love through distancing behaviours when he begins feeling for others.