
8 years, 19 days ago


Choan is a magician's assistant who performs alongside Tro. He previously worked as a circus acrobat in his teens, but he ended up leaving the circus following an accident that he doesn't like to talk about. When off-stage, Choan lives in a small flat that he shares with Tro, their three dogs, and a snake.

Choan is a drake (wingless dragon) and is 32 years old. He's very private, and may seem like something of an enigma. Most people regard him as being very kind and polite, albeit on the quiet side. He has a handful of people whom he is close to, and he's very loyal towards those people- and perhaps a bit overly protective of them as well. (He just wants his loved ones to be safe.)

Future timeline:
In the future, Choan and Tro will have a new roommate- Riley, who is also the newest magic act in their shows. When the three of them aren't busy performing, they also host a magic club for kids!

Tro [best friend, roommate, & coworker]: Tro has been a good friend of Choan's since childhood. They now work together performing magic tricks professionally, and they're also roommates. Tro is easily the most important person in Choan's life; the two of them are basically family to each other.

Tigien [friend]: Another friend of Choan's, who also happens to be Tro's twin brother. Ti will sometimes visit Tro & Choan at their flat. Choan thinks Ti is a little strange, but they respect each other all the same and get along OK.

Ralph/Riley [acquaintance/future roommate & coworker]: In the present timeline, "Ralph" is a young, aspiring magician who occasionally visits Tro to learn tips and tricks of the trade. Choan has only met the kid a handful of times, but he admires the kid's talent. In the future, when "Ralph" changes their name to "Riley", these two will go on to become coworkers- and they'll also become very good friends!

Gloria [friend/ex-coworker]: Gloria was Choan's best friend as a child, and the two of them also worked together in the circus. They were almost like a brother and sister to each other. They haven't seen each other since Choan quit the circus, although they miss each other terribly.