Istra (01. Setting)



Hell & Heaven College

Somewhere in the midst of Entirety are two particularly prestigious institutions: Hell College and Heaven College. The schools are massive and accept beings of all species from all universes and walks of life, from galaxy-conquering warlords to ordinary human beings. Hell College - ruled by seven powerful demons known as the Underkings - focuses on demonic studies, arcane arts, and both surviving and thriving on the less savory aspects of existence. Heaven College, meanwhile - ruled by the Overkings - focuses on angelic studies, celestial arts, and self-enlightenment. In spite of their differences, the two schools get along well: there are many collaborations between them, their respective staffs are close, and some students even attend both schools at once!

Or, at least, that's the way things used to be. Over time, Heaven College has become increasingly hostile toward Hell College, preaching a "good vs evil" dichotomy and training students in how to combat demons. No one is sure what caused such a drastic change, but after plenty of corporate espionage and several merciless attacks Hell College has had no choice but to accept that Heaven College isn't the school it used to be. Things are tense between the two schools, and as the Overkings continue plotting the Underkings struggle to decide if they should try to maintain peace or declare war...

...It's mostly slice-of-life school comedy antics and wacky RPG misadventures, though.

As Hell College and Heaven College are RP settings, Istra doesn't necessarily have a specific story role. They reside at Hell College, ambling about from place to place. Their history at Heaven College and role in the brutal attack on Hell College ~200 years ago is widely known at Hell College, and students are advised to keep them from starving and protect them from Heaven College's attempts to reclaim them. They're like a really wide-scale class pet.

Istra spends most of their time at Maple Manor: a maid-staffed mansion owned by professor Ignis Phasmatis that's recently been combined with Hell College's hospital. It's a complicated story. They stay as close to Dicro as they can, meaning they often play the 6th ranger to the Hell College Carpool: Ignis, Dicro, Ansaiele, Celethia, and Thyx, their relationships with whom are detailed both on their main profile and in their links.

Lethe Sillage

Eight people wake up in an oceanside condo on a planet small enough to walk across in 20 minutes. None of them know how they got there, and none of them have anything on them but the clothes on their backs and their cell phones. They don't seem to have connections amongst themselves, either, given that they're all different species from different planets. They receive texts from a mysterious ninth entity warning them that one of them is a ticking time bomb: they have roughly a week to find a way to escape the planet before they're all killed. But is there any way to leave? Could rescue be contacted in time? Is there any way to buy themselves more time? Could the "time bomb" be saved?

So begins experiment "Lethe Sillage," the results of which can be found only in the darkest corners of Entirety.

Istra is the protagonist of Lethe Sillage, being the "time bomb" in question. They don't worry too much about their situation, even acting as a mediator to their fellow participants for a while. Before long, however, it's revealed that Istra will degenerate and consume the planet once the food supply runs out. They become a point of contention, with some members of the group seeking to help save them and others attempting to destroy them. Istra remains remarkably nonchalant throughout the ordeal, though as their symptoms begin to show they become uneasy...

Lethe Sillage takes place in-between Istra being obtained by Heaven College and Istra being unleashed on Hell College. They have no memory of its events occurring.