


5 years, 2 months ago


Aquila was found as a wandering ghost by the main characters, just as they found him. A powerful wizard came in to resurrect him, while this sounds nice, the intent was to do a final destruction of Aquila.  The main heroes jumped in to stop the wizard. Which is a dumb an idea because they don't stand a chance against a high ranking wizard. The wizard didn't want to risk being known and chose to teleport out. Aquila was laying on the ground and the two knights realized his last moments were being drowned because he was covered in water and not breathing. A bit of CPR and he was breathing, to say the least. Getting him to a safer place, they found his body covered in wounds that showed he was severely tortured. It was aperient that someone wanted him dead, but why? When Aquila awoke, due to what his body went though he had lost his memory. He only knew his name. 

Aquila is an archer... well kind of. Right away he obtains the Gryphon's Bow. A legendary item destined for him. The bow has 100% accuracy as long as Aquila is sound of mind. The arrow shot from the bow will reach it marks no matter what even if there is something in the way. The bow also holds the sole of a mage, the mage can grant wishes to the one holding it but there is a catch. Once a wish is asked for, the mage will foresee the future.  Depending on the outcome of the wish, if it's a positive for the overall world, the mage will grant a bonus onto the wish. If the outcome is negative, the mage will curse the holder.
