
Basic Info
Name Rainbow
Nickname Bunny, Moon, Star, Hime
Age 19
Birthday NA
Height 4f to 5f3
Gender Female
Species Rainbow Munchie
Origin NA
Ethnicity NA
Blood Type NA
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation NA
Status Taken
Worth $384.13
  • The out doors
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • Rodents
  • Spicy and Sawer food...
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
  • NA
Soft Spoken . Friendly . Caring . Kind

Coming soon

Notes for Artists

hair- white and sparkly lots of rainbow colored stars and white and/or silver crescent moon exsesorys (you are welcome to draw as meany as you would like) always longanuf to touch the ground aleways has 1 little moon under horn and one big one on each pig taul at the top

ears - pastel rainbow colors in inner ears starts with purple and ends with a pink/red with white star munch fluff outer ears have a light gray crescent moon

tale - star shaped munch tale with rainbow colored stars and white crescent moons sits just above the bow on her dress

dress - rainbow layer is a pastel rainbow and may be sparkly underneath is blue

platforms with pastel rainbow on the bottom with star clips and blue bows


Rainbow was boren on her specis home planet, Rainbow Glora dering the time of the Sunds End. Her pairents the king and queen sent her to earth along with meany of there subjekts, in the hopes that she would live a happy and peaceful life. One in particular was asked to rais Rainbow as if she where theres. Althou Rainbow only knows what she has been told of her home. She often dreams of what it ones looked like and hopes that one day she will se he parints.

more info coming soon

Atlas | Boyfriend

One day Rainbow's gardean Ann was vary sick so a wizered named Varen was caled to heal her. Just before he arived Rainbow was asked to whait outside of Anns room so not to disterb him, so she venchered out into her privet garden. Varen was acumpanyed by his student Atlas and sucsesful healed Ann. For payment Varen requested herps or flowers he could tack to make medasins so he was granted acses to the gardens. Atlas was then sent to search for any on his own. He quicly spoted some flawers that could be used for herbul tea. As he aproched he notest what looked like white hair covered in star dust he coulent help himself but to tack a closer look to the owner of this long hair. Seing as Rainbow was a rabit Rainbow Munchi she tered in the derektion of foot steps comeing from behind her. this was there first incawnter it was not long after that the two fell inlove with each other.

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.