


5 years, 2 months ago


  • Maras

  • age Unknown
  • gender Creature
  • species Blob Lizard
  • role --
  • playlist

Skittish • Curious • Squishy


When we were children we feared what lurked in the darkness, under our bed, inside the closet. We were convinced to dismiss these fears as mere illusions or tricks of the mind, nothing serious or harmful.
However, we did indeed have a reason to be afraid.
There are breeds of demons that sneak their way into a child's room every night. They are attracted by the energy of children's vivid dream imagination, of which the demons love to gorge themselves on. These monsters are the shadows on the walls, the creeks in the ceiling, the odd breeze through the blinds. A child having frequent nightmares is a sign of infestation.

However, as mortal bugs are often the food of higher species, these pests are also on the menu for higher demons. Most notably a species of lizard demon. These lizards will eventually find their way to an infested house and make a bountiful feast of the aforementioned threat.
So that odd bump in the night may simply be the food chain taking effect.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

height 1'2

pronouns It/He

Orientation N/A

sign --

Alignment Chaotic Nuetral

occupation Creature

style Monster

demeanor Skittish

power Camoflauge

status Creature

education N/A

season Spring


  • Lemon Lime Soda
  • Lemon Lime Soda
  • Lemon Lime Soda
  • Lemon Lime Soda


  • Missing a Meal
  • Not Lemon Lime Soda


As you have probably gathered by now, Maras is one of these predator lizard demons. He finds his way into a promisingly infested household to feast upon the demonic bounty awaiting him.

He is little taller than a foot. Should a parent or awake child happen to see him, he immediately goes limp with lose limbs and glassy eyes. This makes him easily dismissed as just another toy. Then once the coast is clear Maras regains full animation and continues his hunt.
He also has an odd fascination with Lemon-Lime flavored sodas. Should you happen to find that you've less of this drink than you previously thought, it is a sign that Maras stopped by to visit you.


Morning light sends demon pests back to the shadows. And so the child may find some relief from a night of dream terrors. In the corner of their room, under a pile of toys, they may find Maras's inanimate body. He is resting until nightfall brings his next meal.
