Dr. Scribble



5 years, 2 months ago


Dr Scribble is a mad scientist turned into a frog due to Ben the Llama-Man foiling his plans. He is Ben the Llama-Man's arch nemesis and he will get his revenge!


Dr Scribble used to be the world's most renowned scientist until a failed experiment had made him lose all his hard-earned fame. His fellow colleague had stolen his ideas when he was at his lowest and they took all his credit. Angered by the betrayal of his so-called "friends", Dr Scribble began to create a potion like substance to turn his enemies into weak, defenseless creatures so he could destroy them once and for all. However, Ben the Llama-Man had discovered his diabolical plan and stopped him. Dr Scribble fell into his own potion pool. Ben the Llama-Man thought that Dr Scribble was a goner, had left an offering of a chocolate frog in front of the pool. Unbeknownst to him, Dr Scribble clawed his way out as a goop monster and in this form he merged together with the chocolate frog. Dr Scribble became the evil mad scientist frog who vowed revenge to Ben the Llama-Man. He discovered that as a frog, he have super frog abilities such as leaping with such great heights and a super sticky tongue. But with great power come great draw backs. Dr Scribble notes that he starts to lose his human thoughts at times or he would revert into thinking like a child. Though his main goal is to take down those who have stolen from him and the night vigilante, he also tries to find the cure for his frog demise. Or at least, he's trying to find a way to not fall into such petty crimes.

Help me build this man, I need really evil deeds this frog has done.

Dr Scribble is a bad man, here is a list of all the bad things he has done:

  • Commit Tax Fraud
  • Vandalised a library book
  • Littered