Basic Info


Haku Niborealis






6ft 3in


Eastern Dragon


Dedicated, Curious, Hopeless
Haku is very dedicated to his work and is barely seen having a good time with other people or creatures. He has a lot of alone time and likes it that way, but also longs for a friend every now and then. He can get excited about meeting new people and befriending them but is just as quick to become anxious once they show their questionable sides. Every now and then, he'll feel very comfortable around someone, but doesn't know how to approach them without his inner salesman coming out. He can become very intrigued by the most simple of things. Occasionally, he'll have his hopes up for something- but he talks himself down until his expectations and positivity goes to a low.

Haku came from a long line of graceful sky warriors. For many generations, Eastern Emperors would perform a ritual of strength and pure intention to summon a singular warrior during battles and wars of any size. A warrior would fight for their summoner for as long as a battle lasted before disappearing without a trace, and were known for their graceful and well-earned victories. As time went along, more and more people of all alignments attempted to summon a warrior for petty deeds. Soon, it became knowledge that warriors were able to serve the killer of their summoner. Evil rulers from all over the Eastern regions started sweeping the lands for pure-hearted people, forcing them to complete the summoning rituals. Not every ruler was successful, and many of them died from the very hands of the summoned warriors, but as rulers became smarter in their process of attaining the warriors, chaos ensued. Many cities fell apart due to the deaths of their rulers during their failed summonings, and the warriors were bound to finish the deeds of their new owners.

The sky warriors' legend soon came to an end, as their prophecy became fulfilled; "people will create them, and people will destroy them."

As rituals continued to be made in fear and anger, warriors would appear weaker and weaker, until one day, their existence vanished altogether. Many people claim to see these warriors in regular settings, but when those "warriors" were chased and captured, it was apparent that they had no special meaning or abilities, considering how easily they died in the hands of mobs and rulers.

A few generations after the disappearance of warriors, Haku was born. He carried the same sky-warrior blood of his predecessors, but as informed by his mother, his abilities will forever be locked within him. She told him of a vague prophecy that involved the hearts of the pure and a new unknown ritual to ignite the warriors once again in a stronger and independent form. As a child, he was excited and happy to know he held the blood of such wonderful beings, but as he grew older, his faith in humanity lessened and his worries of the past repeating itself plagued him.

By his late teens, he pushed all the legends hope for the warriors' revival away and spent a lot of his time working alongside his mother, who was an alchemist. She was an alchemist of many talents, but Haku took an interest in the aquatic side of it. He studied long and hard to master as much as he could in that area, and although he is very knowledgable in all kinds of alchemy, he only holds himself to a portion of it. Being so closed-off in his side of alchemy, he was pushed to discover new ways of making potions and edibles that had the same effects as needed ones. Soon, he started raking in more and more clients, and with enough encouragement from his mother, decided to move away from home. In search of new ingredients, techniques, clients, and a home, he decided to head west. He is currently a traveling alchemist, and for some reason, can't seem to stay in one place for too long.

+Haku's occupation is an alchemist, one that strictly uses aquatic ingredients.
+Although his prices are expensive, you might find him trying to haggle for ingredients (if he's not finding them himself)- he's a bit stingy.
+He doesn't have any magical usable abilities himself, but he admires those who do.
+Although he is a dragon, he is earth-bound, unable to fly- though he can swim pretty well.
+He wears his hair either completely down or up in a ponytail.
+Has difficulties making friends.