


7 years, 11 months ago


"A prince turned butler....how ironic."


Katrov, (Former) Prince of Nohr
Jakob's apprentice/"the butler"
April 16 (2016)
Human/Fell Dragon
Nohrian Butler

Katrov is my main Fates avatar OC. Although he grew up in the role that Corrin plays in the games, his story takes a drastic turn at the midway point. He's an angsty butler man who's very special to me!



Katrov is a quieter man who prefers to keep most things to himself, though he used to be more open and prone to rambling on as a child. Now that he's a butler he's used to remaining silent until spoken to, or simply not saying how he really feels, if he did he would most likely be immediately kicked from the castle.


  • making tea
  • dragons
  • going for late night/early morning walks
  • Hirobaka


  • cooking anything not over an open flame/fire
  • needless ruffles in clothes
  • dark mages/sorcerers
  • being cold


Trait One

This is meant to highlight key character traits - the traits can be anything that defines your character such as personality quirks, elements of their appearance. common accessories or weapons, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Trait Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Trait Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.

Trait Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


mostly lean, yet some muscle
Pretty pale white
Hair Color
Dark red
Hair Style
Messy and shaggy with a little piece of hair in-between his eyes
Professional and quiet-is actually quite lonely and caring
Stoic and professional appearing butler


Poofy sleeves and tight waistcoats
Pointed ears and regular shaped pupils (can be slitted pupils when angry)



Sword Fighting

Katrov was trained extensively in sword fighting when he was younger, and can wield a blade with little difficulty. He chooses to fight with daggers exclusively after becoming a butler, however, and has brought some of the sword techniques into his new fighting style, although they’re not as effective as it would be with a sword.

Healing and Status Staves

Katrov can wield staves and other healing magic up to a moderate level, including some offensive status staves. His most commonly used staves are his Mend and Freeze, both strong in a supportive role. Katrov tends to only use his Freeze staves when he’s at a disadvantage or attempting solo combat.

Dragon Transformation

Katrov has the inborn ability to transform into a Dawn Dragon. He was given a dragon stone that he chose to leave behind in a hidden area of the forest near Castle Krakenburg, near enough to find if he ever needs to use it again, but far enough away others can’t take it and discover his secret.


Natural Skill
Hidden Truth
Boon - Quick
Increases evasion and speed.
Bane - Unlucky
Decreases hit rate & evasion; increases enemy critical hit rate.
Nohrian Butler
Original Class
Nohrian Prince
Reclass Options
Troubadour, Fighter, Monk
Learned Skills
Dragon Fang, Resistance+2, Gentilhomme, Live to Serve, Tomebreaker
Yato Dagger, Warp Stave, Freeze Stave
Kana (M) & Kanna (F)

Natural Skill

Katrov's Natural Skill "Hidden Truth" allows him +1 mov when a Nohrian royal is in battle.

Class Changes

Originally a Nohrian Prince. Used a Friendship Seal to reclass to a Butler. Can use a Heart Seal with Katrina to reclass to a Fighter, or a Heart Seal with Baka to be a Monk.

Crit Quotes

“Not just for Nohr...but for our future as a whole!!” / “For our future!“ / “Get out of my WAY!”

Death Quotes

“Everything I did... worthless.. "/ “This was not meant to end so soon...“/ "Jakob... I get to see you again..."

Possible Endings


If single and living---

If single and dead---

If married to Hirobaka and living---

If married to Hirobaka and dead---


If single and living---

If single and dead---

If married to ___ and living---

If married to ___ and dead---




Katrov was a prince of Nohr who thought he had a normal life growing up, despite not being allowed to leave his isolated tower in which he grew up, only seeing his siblings and those who taught and trained him for his role as a royal. He was still a relatively happy child, growing stronger and smarter as the years passed though still remaining rather naive of the outside world. He became proficient with wielding a sword and looked forward to the day when he would be allowed to fight on the front lines for his country. Throughout the years, however, he became rather lonely and was overjoyed when he got his own personal butler who he took as his companion and best friend.

Jakob's companionship began to affect Katrov, allowing him to learn that according to others, the world was not always a happy place outside the castle walls. They developed a deep bond through the years and though Katrov always wished the best for everyone, he was soon to see that was not always the case. After Katrov was sent on his "last" known mission from Iago on King Garon's orders, Katrov was attacked and would have died if it wasn't for Jakob following him and using his healing abilities to transfer most of the fatal wound onto himself.

In the process of healing Katrov, Jakob used up almost all of his strength, and used the last of his life force to bestow his final gift to Katrov, his friendship seal. The seal was activated instantly as the sheer strength of Jakob's healing magic sped up the process unnaturally fast, and created a reaction with the seal, causing Katrov's physical appearance to change along with his outfit, leaving him with long hair like Jakob's, and his modified butler outfit.

After Katrov regained consciousness shortly after, he was shocked beyond belief to see his best friend heaving his dying breaths, and managed to tell Katrov what had happened, from the fatal attack from Iago on King Garon's orders, to giving Katrov his friendship seal. After telling him, he died in Katrov's arms, leaving the former prince of Nohr alone, devastated, and presumed dead by all.

Fixed Fates Timeline

Fusce facilisis, lectus et scelerisque pellentesque, nunc augue gravida tortor, nec pretium lacus elit non massa. Proin aliquam elit nec sem tristique, in blandit dui imperdiet. Cras neque felis, semper eu purus eu, imperdiet vulputate mi. Mauris eget mauris sed urna sodales pharetra non nec ex. Sed facilisis, turpis sit amet placerat pretium, tortor lacus lacinia ex, vitae facilisis sapien purus quis neque. Integer eget ligula eu turpis egestas mollis. Sed dignissim, quam ac aliquam gravida, dolor odio pellentesque nisl, quis ullamcorper quam augue vel dui.

Curabitur blandit nibh vitae bibendum dictum. Aenean aliquam odio lorem, vel dapibus nisi egestas non. Sed tellus nulla, cursus at arcu sed, congue scelerisque justo. Nam dui ex, dapibus quis scelerisque sit amet, egestas elementum ipsum. Quisque at massa rhoncus, cursus lorem vel, egestas sem. Nulla nec odio a ex dapibus tempor in non lectus. Etiam lectus eros, fringilla sed dignissim eu, vehicula nec tortor. Suspendisse commodo mi nec eros maximus, quis ultrices massa malesuada. Donec imperdiet congue quam, id accumsan mauris consectetur ut. In maximus dui fringilla, vehicula sem ac, egestas lorem. Etiam dui diam, blandit eu vestibulum vel, placerat id tortor. Donec faucibus, lorem eu lacinia sagittis, velit nunc semper dui, non rutrum ante lacus a orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In sed elit ac tellus aliquam sodales. Aliquam erat volutpat.


  • Katrov uses a piece of his broken Yato blade as a dagger, and his method of attack, preferably close range, as he only has the one dager to use.
  • He uses freeze to catch opponents off guard, and then uses warp to bring them within range of his attack to easily finish them.
  • trivia cont'd



Hirobaka [ Associate/Girlfriend/Wife ]

Katrov first met Hirobaka when he was visiting a Hoshidan market, looking at the magic rods and healing items at her market stall, hitting off a discussion about how their rods and staves differed. The two became mutual acquaintances, eventually Katrov mentioned how he was working at smuggling items in and out of Nohr in hopes to slow down the war and asked her if she would be willing to help him. She was sympathetic to his cause and the two began a working relationship, meeting and trading items and information. The two continued to grow closer, until Katrov realized his growing feelings for Hirobaka, and confessed to her on one meet up he had suggested. She reciprocated his feelings, the two becoming a couple.
Eventually after the war, the two got married as they settled into their roles of political advisors to Nohr and Hoshido, having two children, Kana and Kanna, whom they love and adore.

Aelia [ Sister ]

Aelia is Katrov’s younger sister by blood in the Fixed Fates timeline. The two get along well and were very close growing up, as they didn’t often interact with others during their time in their shared fortress. When faced with the choice to side with Nohr or Hoshido, they both chose Nohr out of their love for their adoptive family, and came to wish for peace between both nations.

Felder [ Friend ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet.

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