


5 years, 1 month ago


Camile is a Feol Viera from the Ordalia region of Ivalice. After her sister Tiril left her village, she began to challenge the 'Green Word' and left her job as a wood warder to seek something new for herself. She now travels the world, living among humans. Perhaps in her hopes to find a new family (Even if shed never admit it), as she became quite lonely. Taking up the profession of a sell sword,  she largely hopes to drown her loneliness in faux friendship in the form of her clients. Every new adventure she goes on with others, she further loses her connection to the wood - so she struggles with the dissonance of what it means to be viera vs living the life she chose. At the same rate, her skill with her battle axe 'Grigsbane' is peerless, giving her reputation and a wide berth to choose the jobss she wishes. This stated, she is careful as to which jobs shell do as any exposure to Mist causes her to go beserk - leaving only death.