
  • Lowell Carson

  • Called Lowe
  • Age 28
  • Gender Male
  • Race Caucasian
  • Occupation "Errand boy" for a family of con artists
  • Alignment Chaotic neutral

"Yeah? And you're not wrong. I ain't a hero, I ain't a saint. I'm a bad man. But at least I'm trying."

Lowe is a confident and courageous, if not reckless, man with a pretty unique view on life. He's highly charismatic, energetic, and extroverted, and often finds himself to be at his most comfortable in social situations. He is highly talkative, loving to have conversations or debates on just about any subject. He knows his way around words quite well, so much so that it's almost incredible how sparingly he chooses to use them when in tense situations. However, when he does speak, he often has a way of persuasive reasoning that can truly work out to his benefit. He's definitely the leader type, and is often the first to take command in situations where he's able to. He happily takes charge in just about everything, and he does so confidently and happily. He's often an improviser, and tends to go with the flow of the world around him, alongside his ambitions, to the best of his ability. He's highly curious, and if something piques his interest, he'll do just about anything to find out more about it.

However, at the same time, he does have his vices. He often lets his emotions get the better of him, which tampers with his "logical" mind and makes him act pretty irrationally at times. He has a kinda selfish, "fend for yourself" type of outlook on life, and will take the avenues that benefit himself the most out of any. He's pretty clever and quick-witted alongside his improvisional mind work, and has a relatively sharp tongue to match, though it typically only shows through in situations where he actively has the upper hand. Otherwise, he can get very defensive and rash in his decision-making, even moreso than when he lets his emotions overpower him. Alongside this, he is INCREDIBLY stubborn. He won't take differing opinions very lightly, and will often debate them until a conclusion that he can take is reached. He also finds himself to be stronger than he actually is most of the time, and has a tendency to overwork himself to scary extents. He typically won't believe he needs to rest or calm down until he's in dangerous circumstances, then he'll only do so begrudgingly. He hates letting this kind of thing happen, though, poking holes in his tough persona makes him very upset very easily.

He certainly has his soft spots, and will show a lot of kindness to those who find them gently. When he's given the chance and trusts someone enough, he can open up to them about a lot. Once he's done that, he often holds that person he trusted at much higher standards than anyone else. He puts his faith into them, and it's incredibly hard to gain it back once it's been lost. However, should someone pick at those really soft spots, such as his past or his fears, he'll get really angry really fast. He often reacts physically with these types of situations, despite knowing better. But most of the time he truly can't help it, his body sort of reacts without him. Overall, he's tough and resilient, but can still show some very distinct weaknesses. He doesn't really see himself as a "good person," by any means, though he actively tries despite it all.


Birthday/Zodiac Sign: April 15th, 1900/Aries
Origin: Born in Bar Harbor, Maine; Now lives in New York City
Height: 5'4"
Build: Somewhat lean and lithe, though with some obvious muscle and strength
Orientation: Panromantic pansexual (Though he tends to prefer women)
Status: Single
MBTI: ENTP - The Visionary
Flower: Rainflower
  • Himself
  • His pipe (He's very proud of it)
  • Getting ahead in life
  • Having the upper hand
  • Looking his absolute best
  • Social interaction (Surprisingly)
  • Talking (Be it to himself or others)
  • His current friends
  • Making new friends (Usually just if they'll benefit him, but he'll befriend people regardless)
  • "His" ring (More his mother's but y'know)
  • Champagne
  • Almost any kind of meat/poultry/fish (My boy likes his protein; his one exception is shrimp though)
  • Having his sleeves rolled up
  • Music (He learned from his mother how to play the piano, as well as how to sing)
  • Learning new things
  • Exploration
  • Getting to go places/be outside
  • Physical contact with others (He's a very touchy-feely person
  • Having his jacket on (With the sleeves rolled up, of course!)
  • Having something to fiddle with (Such as his hair, a piece of neckwear, his ring, etc.)
  • Water (Especially the sea, he's like... Scared of it, and also just highly hates it)
  • Swimming (He kinda can't anymore)
  • His adoptive family
  • His work
  • People prying into his personal life
  • Being reminded of his past
  • Generally just being questioned
  • Not being at an advantage
  • Being teased
  • Having his emotions exploited
  • Not looking his best
  • Having his sleeves rolled down
  • Most sweet stuff (Though he's a sucker for some things)
  • Any type of coffee save for black coffee
  • Being confined
  • Small/Tight spaces
  • Not getting his questions answered (Haha, he's kinda hypocritical like that)
  • Being kept inside for too long
  • Crowell and his bots (Those Divers are literal nightmares)
  • Risking his neck for "no good reason" (He doesn't quite believe in the idea of a heroic sacrifice, if that makes sense)




Lowe was born to his mother, a lighthouse worker by the name of Patricia Carson, on April 15th, 1900, in Bar Harbor, Maine. His father had left earlier that very year, seemingly never to return, and left Patricia alone to care for Lowe. She was ready and willing to do just that, treating her son with the utmost love and respect (If not spoiling him a little), and getting the same back in return. The two of them were very close for a long time, often going to the beach together whenever they pleased. However, their happiness wasn't destined to last for very long. On July 24th, 1910, when he was just ten years old, an unfortunate tragedy occurred in Lowe's life. While he was out playing in the water by the beach like normal, a sudden storm hit. The waves started raging unexpectedly, and he ended up getting pulled in. He was far from a strong swimmer, and was whisked under the waves to drown, hitting his head on a rock in the process that nicked his eyebrow, giving him a scar and knocking him out. He would have died had it not been for his mother. Realizing what was happening, she leapt into the waves herself and saved him; however, in turn for her sacrifice, she was pulled under the waves in his place, never to be seen again. Lowe was left on the beach, alone yet alive, with only his mother's ring to remember her by.

Promptly after his mother's death, Lowe was taken from his home and placed into an orphanage. The conditions of the place were absolutely horrendous, the people running it even moreso. He was one of the smallest boys, and constantly had to fight to get his needs met. Even whilst fighting, he was unable to sustain himself most of the time, often going hungry for days to weeks on end. Lowe, however, soon adapted to his surroundings in the best way he knew how: by developing a new "philosophy" for himself. He discovered that, as far as he was concerned, the only way he would ever get anywhere would be through caring for himself, and only himself, by any means necessary. An "every man for himself" type of idea. With the idea in his mind, Lowe started trying to sustain himself in whatever way it took; this involved stealing, violence, and manipulation a lot of the time. However, his shift into being a "bad boy" only gained him a reputation. No one wanted to adopt a boy with such bad habits (Not that he found himself wanting to be adopted), and eventually it got to the point where his current orphanage couldn't handle him anymore. From that point on, he was passed from orphanage to orphanage throughout his lifetime. By 1913, when he was 13 years old, he ended up in an orphanage in Boston, Massachusetts. The place, unlike his last few "homes," wouldn't tolerate his selfish behavior. Whenever he misbehaved, he would be promptly and violently punished. He ended up staying at that orphanage for a year, a record amount of time in his life. Once he was 14, he believed that he didn't really need to be in an orphanage anymore, that he could fend for himself. He made a plan to get out of there, and was about to put it into motion when a certain man came knocking at the door...

His name was Jackson Parker. He wanted to adopt Lowe specifically, out of all the other boys in the orphanage, not a single person could guess why. But the second the two met, Lowe knew there was something off about the man. Something evil. It was only after Lowe had been promptly sent away with the man that he began to understand why: Jackson Parker was a conman. He, in fact, led a whole family of con artists who worked together, complete with his wife Rosalie and his sons Edmond, Henry, Richard, and Matthew. He had found out about Lowe's track record in the orphanages, and decided that the boy would be a perfect inclusion to the family. Lowe, seeing it as a better place than being stuck in an orphanage for the rest of his forseeable future, went along with the plan. What he hadn't expected, however, was just what role he would be playing in the family. He was, essentially, nothing more to them than an errand boy. If they needed supplies for a scam? Lowe got them. If they wanted to put up fliers on the street? Lowe put in the work to get them there. He became their workhorse, alongside their "punching bag." He was subjected to poorer living conditions than anyone else in the household, often just barely getting enough to keep himself healthy. His brothers especially loved to tease him and bully him for little to no reason, really just to make him feel more miserable. It was another cold, cruel life, he figured. Might as well strap in for the ride.

By the time Lowe was 16, the family ended up relocating from Boston to New York City, after being chased out for their scamming practices. With the fresh start and two years of work for them under his belt, Lowe was... Treated essentially the same as normal. He got better living quarters, better food, and more freedom in his life, sure. But it was the same work, the same teasing, the same treatment overall. He tried to make the best of it for himself, and has been trying ever since.

Fast forward twelve years, to 1928. Life is the same as usual for ol' Lowell Carson until his family gives him his biggest job yet: He is to sell "vacation tickets" for a little place by the name of New Cascadia, a town floating in the middle of the ocean. He's a fresh face, one that has never actively scammed before, not to mention that they have a busy day going on with a certain mafia and some illegal casks of alcohol. The idea of the city is ludicrous to the family, just absurd enough of a scam to work... Until Lowe gets a bit too curious about the city at sea.

Fun Facts

  • Typically, his voice is on the lower end pitch-wise (I kinda picture him having a voice that's almost a mix between Brendon Urie's and Jack Conte's, since both fit but I don't know which fits better), and he has a slight New York-y accent
  • However, when he's scared or surprised, he has a tendency to emit particularly high-pitched, "girly" screams
  • He's highly embarrassed by that scream, so don't say a word about it
  • He is the youngest "member" of the Parker family, at least adoptively; the youngest biological brother is actually Matthew at 29, though since he's younger by a year, he gets the brunt of the teasing in those regards
  • He has a surprising history of head trauma? It's almost insane.
  • He has always been quite small and short. This fact has often gotten him teased, especially by his adoptive brothers. He absolutely HATES being called nicknames relating to his height (at least from most people), which happens to him often. He especially has a huge sense of virtiol toward the nickname "Shrimp," to the point where he is disgusted by even the mere mention of it. This is why he can't stand eating shrimp, despite his love for every other kind of meat.
  • Despite his height, he always tries to be as self-sufficient as he can with tasks that are (quite literally) over his head. If he's struggling due to his height, he will 100% never tell you that. However, his easy discouragement and frustration in situations like this give him away instantaneously.
  • As embarrassed as he'd ever be to say it (And he goes out of his way not to), he actually named his pipe. At first he was going to name it Patricia, though he instead decided on Bernadette, which was his mother's middle name. He thought it would be less on-the-nose that way.
  • While he typically dislikes sweet things, he does have sweet spots for 2 sweet tastes in particular: Dark chocolate and red velvet cake.
  • Out of every type of alcohol, his favorite above all is champagne. This is mainly due to his mother's influence, as she used to drink it at parties and would always slip him some, thus he acquired a taste for it.
  • If he was given the choice, his dream place to live would likely be somewhere in Italy; he's always had a fondness for the country and its culture, to the point of learning the language, and he would love to stay there.
  • He is 100% the kind of person who completely improvises a situation out and claim he planned the whole thing. The believability of such is, of course, debatable.
  • He is, typically, a fantastic liar and persuader, as he can really find his way through words well. However, he still does have a tell when he's lying; While it's incredibly subtle, his nose has a tendency to twitch slightly when he tells a lie. So far, only two people have picked up on his tell, and he hopes to keep that list as short as possible.
  • He cannot STAND being cold, especially when he's sleeping; he often needs to bundle up under huge mounds of blankets at night just to stay cozy and somewhat comforted.
  • He has incredibly frequent night terrors, getting them almost every night; they somehow worsened once he reached The Underbelly, becoming even more realistic to him, and often end up in him waking up delusional for a little bit until he realizes it's just a dream.
  • He absolutely adores woody scents like pine and sandalwood, and loves to keep himself smelling like those scents, mainly through using cologne.
  • He thinks that his best facial feature is either is eyes (He LOVES the color a ton), his nose (He thinks it's beautiful), or his jawline (It's sharp and flattering in his eyes).
  • When it comes to sweet interactions, he loves having his hair played with (Be it his facial hair or otherwise), having his belly and/or back rubbed, being kissed mainly on the neck or collarbone, and getting pulled in for sweetness by his collar (Pull him in for a kiss by his collar and he'll love you forever)
  • He is ticklish behind his knees. When he's tickled there, he'll let out his signature high-pitched scream mixed with lots of laughter.
  • He hates salty scents, like a TON. Even if the source of the scent isn't remotely related to the ocean or any body of water, it will remind him of the ocean and make him instantly feel sick.
  • He is very into journaling, especially in order to vent his frustrations. He typically doesn't feel comfortable talking to others about his emotional issues, aside from to his closest friends, and even then it's awkward. So his journal acts as an outlet when he needs to get his feelings out.
  • He is a very smooth guy when it comes to relationships. He can sweet-talk up a storm without breaking a sweat, and has no problem making his boy feel cherished and loved. However, getting the same in return will often get him very flustered and blushy very fast.
  • He finds it almost impossible to deny a compliment he's given, and will often either take them smoothly (If he's expecting it) or with a goofy smile and laugh.
  • He's pretty good at cooking, like he can make up a fancy meal for you very easily. But baking? Oh God, do NOT let this man use an oven. He almost always ends up burning whatever he tries to bake, and on the off-chance that he doesn't burn it, there's something else abnormal with it. The only thing he's decent at baking is bread, and that's only thanks to helping his mother do as such when he was little.
  • Uhhhh more later?? I dunno much more now, haha.

Design Notes

  • Please do draw him with his jacket on!! It's the most preferable look I have for him!!
  • PLEASE keep his sleeves rolled up!! They're always rolled up to his elbows! Even when wearing his jacket, that's still the case!
  • Please do color-pick from his color palette! I want his colors to stay pretty consistent, though some small variants are alright, like changing things slightly for the sake of your style.
  • Do NOT forget his ring!! It is VERY important!! He wears it on his left index finger.
  • Also do NOT forget about the scar through his left eyebrow! It's very important!
  • You can draw him with or without his pipe! If it's a more action-oriented piece then I think him having his pipe is preferable, but if it's more mellow then it isn't as necessary.
  • Please don't forget his facial hair!! Also please be sure his hair stays relatively short/similar in style to that on his ref!
  • If you have any design questions, don't be afraid to ask!


[ Friend/Possible girlfriend?? ] Canary was the first person Lowe actively got the chance to bond with after reaching New Cascadia. She was the one person who caught his interest upon his arrival, and he cares for her deeply. He starts to develop past the philosophy he had held dear for years for her, wanting to help her escape the tyrannical antics of Crowell. However, at the same time, he almost finds himself... Inadequate for her. He feels that he has messed up too much in his life, that he's made too many mistakes, and if he could ever truly get close to her, he would want to redeem those errors first. [More later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaa]



[ Friend (Kinda more frenemy) ] The majority of Lowe's time in New Cascadia is spent looking for Nathan. Once the two finally meet... He's seriously underwhelmed. He and Nathan have a friendship built upon snarky comments and sarcastic remarks. They obviously do care for each other deeply, or at least Lowe cares for him, though the two of them rarely ever show it. Or... Maybe they do? [More later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaa]



[ Enemy ] Crowell is the major antagonizing force in Lowe's life once he makes it to New Cascadia. Lowe despises Crowell for all he's worth, mainly after seeing just how crookedly he runs the town, and wants nothing more than to bring him down. The feeling is pretty mutual from Crowell to Lowe, as far as he can tell, though there seems to be a bit more to it on the lunacy-driven Crowell's end. Just what is he hiding? [More later, I'm kinda tired of working on this aaaa]
