Frequent Flier



5 years, 29 days ago


. general

show name . [Frequent Flier]

barn name . [Flynn]

sex . [Gelding]

age . [5 years]

height . [15.2hh]

breed . [AQH - 100%]

. breeding information

phenotype . [Blood Bay]

genotype . [EE/Aa]


------------------------------------------ SSS:  Foundation
----------------- SS:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SSD:  Foundation
Sire:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SSS:  Foundation
----------------- SD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SDD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DSS:  Foundation
----------------- DS:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DSD:  Foundation
Dam:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DDS:  Foundation
----------------- DD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DDD:  Foundation

offspring . [N/A]

status . [Unavailable,  Four Strawa]

. career and discipline

primary discipline . [Western all-rounder]

owner/handler . [Katrina O' Dire]

earnings . [$0]

tracker . [N/A]

. personality 

Flynn hasn't had much experience under saddle, and is therefore uncooperative and hard to handle. Whether it's refusing jumps or throwing his head at the trot, he's always doing something to challenge his rider's authority. Part of the reason he has such a problematic nature is because he's still adjusting to life under saddle, and hasn't been disciplined much in the past. However, this is only a part of the reason. The other reason is simply because it's in his personality. He's headstrong, proud, and definitely not willing to go down without a fight. In order for him to one day reach his potential, he'll need a rider who's willing to fight back. Otherwise, he'll gladly continue to do things in the way he's used to.