
5 years, 6 months ago


CW: General Satellite City/Kivouachian dark lore, gore, apathy, murder, all taken lightly





Her anatomy is far more basic and easier to understand. On the small side, her body is akin to a cat, with an arched stocky body and long clawed limbs. She boasts a tiny fluffy tail that is quite rabbit-like. While her paws are like three-toed cat paws her front left is more finger like with harsher claws to match. Her face is round and dips to a low chin, her cheeks fluffy like her chest. Her ears are long and incredibly sensitive, the left torn off midway, she hasn't bothered to fix it and thinks the scar is a testament to her battles. Two small horns are more a statement piece than for battle but have definitely been used to poke out eyes. Her nose is slitted like a rabbit with a raised muzzle bump. Her mouth is full of humanoid teeth and prominent gums, though how wide it can stretch and open is far from human.

Aloof, violent, humorous, and cheerful. She walks with a pep in her step and a grin on her face. She doles out compliments and humour generously, though she often insults with endearment as well. However don't be fooled, she's still very much a kivouachian who would pop off your head and use your body as a stool like any other. Her ‘friendly’ attitude, in reality, is fairly dangerous and can turn with the flip of a coin. Though she has a natural respect for fellow kivouachians and adores stories of lives before earth. Values older kivouachians greatly and deems conversations with them of incredible value. Even retains the old tradition of bowing, which she gives only to elder kivouachians-Which is most of those she comes across.

She was born a mere century before the fall of the kivouack, hardly experiencing her birth right before the big bang. It was her annoyance and grief of the world she never knew that lead to her personality development. Before everything hit the fan she was focused on survival alone, her personality being rather flat and dull, only forming into individualism later on. She greatly enjoyed the early days of earth, enjoying the primal harsh world until it evolved into boring cities and pavement. Though humans brought along fun prey. It was nice to have a pathetic meal that begged every once in a while.

Her fascination with human as prey grew into a more generalized fascination, their weird structures, peculiar books (she rather enjoys reading Harlequin novels and laughing at their absurdity.), and odd actions. Fighting over religion and skin tone… There were individuals with genuine promise but humans restrained themselves with petty things. She finds them stupid and holds some disdain but overall still enjoys people watching sometimes. An old favourite hobby is acting like a helpless rabbit and having foolish humans take her into their homes. 


-Inspired the human mythology of jackalopes.

-Grew up in The Kasino, and was often targeted for meat due to her small size. Her home was soon decorated with the distorted bodies of those that hunted her like prey. There was one incredibly close incident to beheading that left a huge wound on her throat, but she last minute gained the upper hand. She went into hiding a while to heal.

-Very much a masochist, but only truly allows her mate to harm her. Honestly prefers him to treat her roughly, absolutely adores the cuts his arms leave. The rare times he bites her leave her in some of her most euphoric states. 

-Despite her masochism, she doesn't often like humiliation due to pride, though occasionally she will indulge her mate due to her being the submissive. Though this is almost strictly behind closed doors these days.

-Has only been decapitated by her mate.

-Loves liquor, but isn't picky and just drinks whatever she can get her hands on. Finds it hilarious to shatter the bottles and stab wildlife with the bottle shards as well. Free snacks!

-Hates earth's life forms, and thusly has harsh views on her mate's fascination with them.

-Far prefers eating meats and food to kwel, favouring flavour above all else. Honestly finds the whole kwel as a meal thing kind of gross.

-Enjoys human books, especially Harlequin and romance which she makes a point of making fun of.

-Can recite the Twilight books from cover to cover from memory, and does this to get out of conversations she dislikes.

-Is bored by games like chess, and would rather play something fun like twister. She loves engaging larger kivouachians in this game, challenging their abilities and watching them struggle to twist their massive forms to reach coloured circles. Though this did lead to her ribs being crushed after a particular incident when a huge being crashed onto the blunt of her back.

-Doesn’t really know about the history of the Kivouach and the war that plagued it in the end due to her young age. This can lead to disrespect amongst older creatures. 

-Is the smarter of the pairing. While both hold their own rather well in debates and arguments she has a slight upper hand against Galand, which makes her practically purr at the thought of.