Aiden Vermeil



5 years, 6 months ago


Name Aiden Vermeil
Age 16
Height 5'6" ft
Build Masculine & Skinny
Species Nunuke
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Pansexual
Residence Under Xygoroth's surface
Occupation Student
Worth Gifted
Designer Guppie-vibes



Aiden's hyper and energetic, maybe a little bit too much at times. He can be a bit mischievous at times. He does a large number of stupid things just for attention. Despite all of this, he is a good kid with good intentions. He wouldn't hesitate to stop and help someone in need. His ways of doing this might be a little bit aggressive and questionable.


All common


  • He's quite artistic! His preferred medium is a brick wall and several cans of spray paint.
  • He does get shouted at for doing that but it doesn't do shit to stop him.
  • His teeth are sharp. That combined with his dumbassery, he accidentally bites his own tongue often.



Aiden grew up alongside his older brother, Azel. They were both raised by their aunt in a small and poor neighborhood. Crime was commonplace there, to the point that most illegal activity is shrugged off by the people. Neither of the siblings knew who their parents were nor did their aunt ever mentioned anything about them.

His aunt was barely ever home, so Aiden only really had Azel to look after him. He really didn't like that Azel's in charge. Aiden was loud, playful and childish. When their aunt was taking care of them, she would just let him run around and mess stuff up but it's not that way with Azel. His older brother would have strict rules, which Aiden found stupid, of course. Aiden would have to quiet down, keep his hands to himself, stop himself from cursing out loud and he even had a curfew.

The rules didn't really stop Aiden from being himself but he would get scolded more times he could count. But you see, Aiden is stubborn. He would disobey Azel just to piss him off. This would at least be one thing he'd find entertaining.

Back at his school, that's where he ruled. That's a lie. He was practically universally disliked and avoided by most people. He misbehaved even more here. He enjoyed upsetting the teachers and getting a laugh out of his classmates.

He get a friend at school soon enough, around elementary. It was a Xynthii boy named Nox. The guy's pretty mature for his age and Aiden looked up to him. He had to pester him for a while, but they eventually became pretty good friends. Aiden's love for the bad boy aesthetic was actually inspired by Nox.

During highschool, there would be another addition to Aiden's delinquent squad (duo). A boozeshark named Lars. The three of them would wreak havoc both at school and anywhere else they would find free time at.

One day at lunch, he spotted a boy named Charlie. Aiden just thought that Charlie was cute when he first started to hit on him. As Aiden was able to talk to Charlie more, his interest became to grow into genuine attraction. Aiden was definitely crushing on him but it's not exactly something he's opposed to, anyway.

He's pretty aware of Charlie's pessimistic attitude and Aiden's goal was to completely crush does ideas and prove Charlie wrong. Be it about Charlie himself, Aiden and his intentions or anything else, Aiden's gunna give the boy some hope in life. After some persuasion from Nox, Aiden asked Charlie out. He accepted, Aiden might've been a little bit surprised. Maybe some of that pessimism rubbed off on him, but that doesn't matter to him as they're now together as boyfriends.

There were some bumps on the road here and there, specifically when Aiden found out that Lars is his current boyfriend's ex. This made Aiden a little iffy for a while. He felt insecure, thinking that if Lars wasn't able to last in a relationship with Charlie, who says he can? Though after some talking, they were able to move past that and become closer.

As great as his school life got with Charlie around, the situation back at home wasn't looking too hot. He came home to Azel stressing over the fact that their house was robbed when no one was home. They lost a lot, which made their financial situation shakier than it already is. Aiden toned down the teasing he does towards Azel considering the situation.

That problem does pass and everything gradually gets a lot better than it was. After some time, Azel moves out from their current house to a better part of town and gets Aiden to come along with him.


Charlie | boyfriend
A boy he never expected to like in the first place but did end up falling for, hard. He's pretty aware of Charlie's pessimistic attitude and give the boy some hope and self-worth.
Nox | friend
Best friends since childhood! Aiden looks up to Nox like an older brother. He would take Nox's advice like gospel. Aiden definitely thinks Nox is the coolest dude out there.
Lars | friend
Lars is a good friend of Aiden's! They've met recently during high school but they quickly hit it off well. They would often stir up shit along with Nox. Running around with their dumb delinquent wannabe weapons. He definitely looks up to him!
Azel | brother
Azel is the older brother that's just the biggest fucking negative nancy. Aiden tends to disobey whatever Azel says for the sake of pissing him off.
Neo | friend
Neo is Aiden's idea of a perfect older brother, maybe even better than his own brother. They get along very well as they have a lot of similarities with each other.
Bon | friend
Friend! They met at school after Aiden chased away Bon's bullies! Well, Aiden got beat and they left them alone but Aiden sees that as a victory. He then dragged him into his little bad boy gang since it doesn't seem like Bon has many people to hang out with! He tries to get Bon into shenanigans but Bon seems to be a little bit too scared to sometimes.
Rhona | cousin
Aiden enjoys scaring and annoying Rhona since he knows she's really a big believer in the family superstitions.
Luscious | cousin
He's not as weirded out by the Croix family as his brother is. In fact, he does visit around them pretty often! He does get along with Lucious, Aiden actually finds the way he acts sort of entertaining. The only thing he doesn't like is when Lucious ruins his fun by keeping him from scaring Rhona.
Mateo | idol
Aiden may or may not be a fanboy for Mateo and his music. (He is, he just won't admit he's as big as a fan as he is.)