


7 years, 11 months ago


Please don't stop the music


FULL NAMEKenari Malachai
SPECIESMoof (canine/moose)
AGE23 (animal years)


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Personality: Calling her a good person would be a bit of a long shot, but she's not all that bad. She's more a neutral party that assumes the role of anti-villain or anti-hero when need be. She's very strong willed, and sometimes it gets her in big trouble. Even though she acts like a hard, emotionless person on the outside, she's actually very troubled, but if you point it out she instantly becomes aggressive. That's not to say she can't be soft. She won't admit it, but she really enjoys affection and intimacy, namely from her mate, Alexander. Her family is her pride and joy, and if they're threatened she will become a fierce protector.


Likes: Techno music, raves, cold weather, affection, video games, junk food, tight clothing (if she has to wear anything), purple, black, throwing things, teasing Alexander, DEADMAU5, reptiles, body jewelry

Dislikes: hot weather, liars, fighting, being alone, bugs, quiet, clothes, pink, compliments, talking about the past, sitting still


  • Her tail is USUALLY curled, but on occasion can be more like a regular wolf tail.
  • In anthro form, she works at a night club as a DJ, doing what she loves to provide for her family.
  • Her base design has stayed pretty much the same since the beginning. I based a lot of her on my love of Dubstep.
  • Although her father has some telekinetic power, she didn't inherit any of it.
  • However, because Chromosa used her power to save Kenari's life as a fetus, Kenari has the ability to learn how to change forms and become a different species entirely.
  • During a fight in anthro form, she prefers long ranged weapons like throwing knives(or throwing discs, one of her specialties). In close combat she would double wield daggers.
  • She's as big as she is because of the moose genes she inherited from her mother.
  • Like her father, she actually has a slender athletic build, but she has so much fur that it makes her look a lot pudgier.

Character belongs to Jifi-Dawg  •    Designed by Jifi-Dawg
Art by Unknown  •    HTML by Jayden   •    Layout Design by Spider


Mate • song
Kenari loves Alexander more than anything else in the world, and would follow him anywhere. The connection they have may seem breakable and shallow, but they're two peas in a pod and wouldn't survive without one another.
Son • song
Kenari only wants the best for her introvert son. She doesn't understand his shyness, but knows he excels elsewhere.
Daughter • song
Kenari loves Sephla, but also now understands what everyone meant when they said her kids would be her payback. Sephla is so much like her mother in every way, good and bad.
Father • song
Kenari is very worried about her father, but she trusts her pack to care for him so she can live her life.