


5 years, 23 days ago


species: gargoyle from dark souls

species creator: dark souls 

setting: dark souls 1

i wanted to make a dark souls fan character so i made one of my fave monster

Titanite lives  near the dukes archives and she has a crystal breath attack

her weapons scale with intelligence

i got the idea bc i noticed that the anor londo gargoyles are different in element and appearance from the undead parish gargoyles

so i got the idea for a magic element gargoyle covered in crystals

she is silver instead of gold or copper

fandom character interview

1 - What is your name?


2 - What fandom are you from?

Dark Souls

3 - Where do you fit into the story?

I guard a secret section of the duke's archives

4 - Do you have any friendships, kinships or relationships with the cannon characters? What are they?


5 - What are your hobbies?


6 - What do you hate having to do?


7 - If you could change one thing about the universe that you live in, what would it be?

i just wish that humans/undead and gargoyles could all get along

8 - If you could live in any other story, what would it be and why?

pokemon, i heard the humans there like monsters

9 - Have you become enemies with any of the canon characters?

no, but i hope that there are no chosen undead (the "chosen one"  trope character/player character) who find the secret location that i  guard

there used to be gargoyles in the undead parish and anor londo but they were killed by a chosen undead

10 - Tell me one final, random fact about you.

i am covered in crystals and my favorite attack is cursed crystal breath (smaller version of seath's cursed crystal breath)